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EVERYTHING WAS RED. Her dress, the blush staining her cheeks, the lipstick delicately set on her lips, the roses lining the neckline of the gown. The colour was everywhere, and maybe if this had been any other night and she an entirely different person, no one would have noticed. But this wasn't an ordinary night, and Kinzoku Mikazuki certainly wasn't an ordinary girl. She was the heiress of one of the most affluent Jujutsu Clans in history, and here she was, trading the colours of her bloodline for the bold accent of crimson and scarlet.

There was something regal about it, on the way she moved with a halo of glowing golden light shining behind her, the perfect crimson of Shoko's borrowed gown contrasting against it like blood blossoming from a gilded wound. It was a daunting vision, watching the woman confidently leaning over the railing and gripping the marble tightly before she finally glided down the stone steps, her stare hard and cold as ice while the train of the dress followed her, the red spreading around her like a pool of fresh blood.

The crowd fell silent, all heads turning in unison towards Mikazuki. It was a religious experience, an awakening of sorts. Mikazuki's lips were pulled in a tight smile and completely sealed, yet everyone could hear the silent screams of her soul. It was jarring, the way she could capture the audience with a single movement, her intentions laid out in the open by something so simple as colour.

The Jujutsu Society was old, and although its pillars were well-established, they were still fragile. So fragile, in fact, that this simple action soon turned into a jagged crack, the entire world tilting on its axis. This was a declaration of war, so loud and clear there was no doubt about it.

This is war, her red-stained lips sang in the crowded silence, her words completely soundless yet still so loud everyone could clearly her them, and I am ready to wage it.

Mikazuki straightened her back, hand gripping the rail tightly as she slowly descended the steps. The sorceress had already done a grand entrance that night, but the Kinzoku heiress was not done with her theatrics. Her father had put her in a cage, the gilded bars woven with lies and deception, and Mikazuki had been a dutiful prisoner all of her life. She'd been quiet, pliable and kind. She was young, malleable and naïve enough to believe Asahi had pure intentions; to keep his little girl safe from the world. But they both knew that wasn't the truth. That cage hadn't been built to protect Mikazuki from the world.

No, it was made to prevent her for lighting it aflame.

Kinzoku Asahi was waiting at the foot of the stairs, his own ceremonial robes painted black and gold while his expression was all taught lines and harsh ridges. He was angry, of that Mikazuki was certain, yet as she made her descent, the sorceress couldn't help but smile at the fact. It was easy to rile him up these days, and although the man was doing his best at keeping his composure, Mikazuki could see the gold pouring out from his pores, small droplets of glitter glistening on his forehead like beads of sweat.

The crowd parted and the violins picked up the pace. The lights in the ballroom dimmed and the chatter began anew, all eyes which had once been trained on the sorceress suddenly scanning the swarm of young eligible men. The first dance. Mikazuki sucked in a harsh breath, colour draining from her face as realization slowly sunk in. The seconds ticked away and, suddenly, the sorceress found herself in a whole other nightmare, one of her own making.

The Kinzoku Clan was ruled by tradition, and the first dance was only one of many rituals the clan elders still insisted on pursuing. It was designed to show the might of the golden bloodline and to set themselves apart from other Jujutsu Clan while also capitalizing on the only thing they had over other families – twins. Kinzoku children came in pairs, which is why this whole ritual was designed in the first place.

As the newfound heiress of the Kinzoku Clan, Mikazuki's duty was to open the ball through a waltz. Keisuke was supposed to be her dancing partner – he should have been, they were twins, one soul pulled in two different directions, a single person separated into two vessels. But Kinzoku Keisuke was dead, which meant Mikazuki could have her pick of the crowd. Any of the men present would be lucky to even be looked at by the sorceress, yet her golden gaze never wandered away from him.

The sorceress gathered the hem of her dress in her hand, moving towards Satoru with quiet steps, but before she could get too far, Mikazuki felt her father's hand closing around her arm, his nails digging into her skin as he pulled her back violently enough for her to stumble.

The grey-haired woman staggered back, her spine colliding against Asahi's chest as his hold tightened further, the gold in his touch staining her beautiful red gown. Her father leaned in close, his expression unreadable. To an untrained eye, this would be nothing but an old man congratulating his daughter for her birthday. Mikazuki knew better.

"This little stunt of yours will cost you dearly." Asahi strained through gritted teeth, his tone barely audible between the constant song of the violins and the chaos of voices that crowded the ballroom. "Now, go dance." He concluded, shoving Mikazuki towards the dance floor.

Mikazuki stumbled, yet instead of being greeted by the hard and cold marble floor like she expected, the woman felt a pair of strong hands wrapping around her forearms and holding her upright. The sorceress looked up, a surprised exhale leaving her lips as her sunset eyes met a pair of equally familiar ocean blues.

"Satoru." She let out quietly, the word nearly dying on her tongue before her shoulders relaxed. "You came."

To my rescue. To dance with me. She didn't say, pulling a lock of hair behind her ear while the man helped her up, steadying her until they were both at the same height. Satoru smiled, his face myriad of emotions, all of which came in such rapid succession Mikazuki didn't have any time to overthink any of it.

"Of course I did." The Gojo heir answered simply, his hand abandoning her arm as he straightened his back and held her gaze. "I told you, didn't I? You're not alone in this. We can figure this out together."

𝑫𝒀𝑵𝑨𝑺𝑻𝒀 𝑶𝑭 𝑺𝑶𝑼𝑳𝑺 ⇢ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now