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"Finally we are here"
"Yeah at the new chapter of our life"
A young man said to his wife standing at the door of their new apartment in USA..
"I never imagined my life would be like this"
"Me too now I just hope that things go well"
"Don't worry we can get over everything together Dave"
Davuth smiled at her
"Let's go inside Emily"
They went inside they were talking when..
"Excuse me Mr.Ryan?"
Davuth saw a almost bald man probably at his 50s well-dressed standing..
"Uhh yes who are you?"
"I am your personal manager Sameul Smith" Gives him his card
"So you are the one who will be helping me in my company?"
"Yes sir and I will try my best to help you and your company"
"Thank you Mr.Smith"
"My pleasure sir now may I take my leave?"
"Sure Mr.Smith"
Mr.Smith left
"Dave shouldn't we start unpacking things?"
"Yeah and after that get ready we will be eating outside"
"A date on the 1st day?"
"Why not" They both laughed
Later the other morning
"Good Morning Em.."
"Good morning Dave.."
" looks like someone had a great meal yesterday.. "
-(Scratching eyes)did you make breakfast for me?"
"Yeah, I know It doesn't look fascinating but I tried(scratching head)"
Emily was looking at him as he sat down to set the tray.that was how they dreamt to be together..her eyes were teary..
"What happened?"
"Nothing it's just the steam from the tea"
"Not so cool logic to cry secretly"
(Hugs him)
The fine breeze of the day and laughs and talk of the newly weds made the most comfortable environment...
"Oh..Isn't the house welcoming party today?"
"What? It's today?"
"Yeah I totally forgot"
(Jumps out of the bed and rushes towards the bathroom)
"Oh...well (looks at the cup of coffee that emily left) seems like just you and me (sips)"
It's almost afternoon and still there's still alot to prepare Emily and dave are at their peaks of chances of winning a marathon..
"What are you doing?! (Utterly Frustrated) I told you not put those there"
"But those are the golden vase set.."
"Uhhh But I told you to put them on the dining table Dave!"
"But I thought you told me to put the the blue plates over there..didn't you?"
"Aaaahhhh dave I told you to put the vases along with the plates and why do you think I'll tell you to put vases on the TV stand?"
"Well well well.. So you want a table to stand there without any purpose while you'll fill on the other furnitures? How could you?"
"Dave! (Screams) that's called a TV stand because it's for keeping TV.."
"Well I was just joking I thought you would laugh.. Alright nevermind I would just put it around the TV "
(Emily feels like crying)
"How did I chose you?"
"Go (screams) leave before I explode go away and put the wrappers and boxes away"
"But I'll help in the (places the vases around the plates) see? Voila"
"Gooooooo (screams at the top of her lungs)"
(Bell rings)
"Okay okay don't scream am going"
(Bell rings again)
"Who is there now.."
(Opens the door and confronts a old lady wearing a gown and standing with bag)
"Yes mam, How can I help you?"
The women smiles at Emily and says she was called their...
"Oh,Hello lovely mam,I'm-"
"Ohh hi, I think you're mrs.sharlet?
" Do you know her?"
"Oh Mr.smith suggested keeping a caretaker for the apartment so it would be helpful for you... "
"Yes, Mr.smith has send me here...I will be house helping from now on"
"Ohh welcome I'm Emily.. Please come in.."
"Thank you mam"
"Mrs.Sharlet you should rest now then Emily will show you what she needs help with.."
"Oka-(looks around) sorry sir but is there any occasion today?"
"Umm..yeah we're having a little house warming party today with our friends and family here in USA"
"Ohh then I should help with the chores"
"No it's fine you can rest and start from tommorow,let me show your room"
"No I am absolutely fine with it show me my room I'll change and come"
"No it-"
"No but mam I want to.."
"Ok come"
(Takes her to room of hers)
Dave smiles and continues to arrange the boxes...
Afternoon arrives and guests start to come starting with family and colleagues.. What fascinated the hearts of the young man most was her wife in a beautiful dress welcoming guests..

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