Chapter Sixteen: Escape From The Flying Dutchman

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The long and eternal night continues, as Jack Sparrow freely wanders the sea with his ship the Black Pearl. Mr. Gibbs and the rest of the crew are silent and working around the ship. Meanwhile, Ventus sits on top of one of the sails and drifts off in his thoughts.

Ventus: Vanitas.... he almost took over my heart. I feel him closer every time I fight, every time I rest, everytime that I think.

Suddenly Dexeres appears by his side.

Dexeres: Hey Ven, everything okay?

Ventus: Well... I've just been thinking. I'm afraid that I might hurt my friends, because-

Dexeres: Because of Vanitas, the dark part of your heart?

Ventus: Y-yes...

Dexeres: Look, I know that it's hard for you to control your darkness. I know how it feels like.

Everyone has darkness in their hearts. Some succumb to it...some fight it...and some never even

sense it. But I will tell you this, you have control over it, and I know it.

Ventus: But I almost let him out!

Dexeres: But you didn't let him out, and that proves your heart is strong.

If you had a weak heart, you wouldn't be here right now. Ven, you have

limitless potential within you, and I know that you are a good person.

Ventus: Thanks Dexeres, that means a lot.

Dexeres: Hmph, anytime.

And with that, Dexeres goes below to help the crew maintain the ship ready for battle. All is calm until Trish spots something in the distance.

Trish: It's the Unborn!

Ethan: Damn! Guys, prepare yourselves!

Jack Sparrow: Oh, it looks as though the beasties have come to play.

Ventus: Let's do this!

Dexeres: We'll take them on!

And as the Unborn board the ship, the entire crew prepares for battle.

The Unborn attack relentlessly as Trish weaves around and attacks them. Ethan runs through the sails, casting Thunder magic

to them, and Dexeres and Ventus make a Limit Break.

Ventus: Let's go!

Dexeres: Here it comes!

Both of them start slashing their keyblades at the Unborn,

and then Dexeres casts stop while Ventus uses Strike Raid.

And then both of them combine their powers to finish them off.

Ventus: Blinding Light!

Dexeres: Darkness come with me!

In a sudden second, pillars of light and darkness consume the Unborn.

Ethan: Oh great, here come more of them!

Meanwhile, in the Flying Dutchman, Will looks at a few crewmates playing a game. Bootstrap walks over to him and looks

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