Chapter Twenty Nine: The Battle To Save Kyle

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Xion stands ready for battle along with The Four Spirits, and she keeps staring at the mysterious dark warrior, as she feels the unshakable sensation that she's met this person before. But immediately she discards her thoughts and charges towards the dark warrior, and The Four Spirits quickly cast powerful spells towards him. The dark warrior teleports constantly and he manages to barely deflect the powerful spells being cast at him.

Xion: Who are you? And what do you want?

Shadow Seeker: I am the dark warrior known as the Shadow Seeker. I'm here to make you come to your senses. Hopefully I won't have to harm you to do so.

Xion: Ha, please, you truly think that you can defeat me? That's a comforting thought for you, but face the fact that you will die!

Shadow Seeker: You fool...

He jumps up and throws sharp darts towards her, but he only aims for her feet, as if trying to see if she can notice that he doesn't want to harm her. He then swings his Keyblade towards her and they clash violently. The Four Spirits simply laugh and instead of helping Xion, they merely stand and watch.

Pyros: Hmph, this little wretch is so dull. She's not worthy of our assistance.

Windrayda: Agreed. Let us be on our way.

And with an ominous laugh, they disappear, and Xion is shocked to see that The Four Spirits seemingly abandoned her. But she quickly turns her attention back to the battle, but slowly she feels sudden bursts of her memory come back to her.

Xion: Ahhh! What's happening to me?

Shadow Seeker: You're remembering...who you truly are.

Xion: What kind of sick trick is this? Ahhh!

She suddenly unleashes a surge of power and charges towards the Shadow Seeker, but he simply disappears and reappears behind her, and he knocks her out with the hilt of his Keyblade. He then looks down on her and puts her over his shoulder.

Shadow Seeker: Now, to take you away from here.

He then disappears with Xion without a trace.

Meanwhile, in another side of the castle, Kyle walks down the main hallway with Xylek and The Mysterious Figure. Xylek simply smiles as he sees that he's got full control over Kyle. Kyle does not utter a single word, for he is silent as a grave.

Mysterious Figure: You shouldn't underestimate Kyle...he has more willpower than you know.

Xylek: Ha! Is this what I think I'm hearing? Are you actually worried?

Mysterious Figure: No, I'm not worried. Personally, I don't give a thought to your senseless schemes. But I just thought I should tell you that it's not wise to underestimate our enemies.

Xylek: This isn't like you...are you feeling well?

Mysterious Figure: Hmph, now look who the worried one is now. Ha Ha Ha!

Xylek: Wait..I sense something...

They stand still, and they suddenly hear a strange noise. When they look back, they are blown away by a sudden explosion. Xylek, Kyle and The Mysterious Figure stand up slowly and notice a hole in the wall, and then they see Trish, Lunar, and an enraged Ventus. The Mysterious Figure simply laughs to himself and looks towards Xylek.

Mysterious Figure: As I told you, never underestimate our enemies.

Ventus: You! Give us our friend back!

Xylek: I believe it won't be that simple you ignorant fool. I've grown attached to my counterpart, and I won't give him up so easily.

Trish: You're a monster! Give Kyle back to us!

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