Chapter Thirty Nine: Riku And The Comforting Voice

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Everyone is silent, as they all prepare to face what will likely be their doom. Everything has been leading up to this. All the trials and obstacles the Keyblade Wielders have had to overcome have made them that much stronger, and now they are determined to face even the most vile darkness in order to bring peace to all worlds and to end the Keyblade War. Riku closes his eyes and feels calm. He knows what's at stake, and he knows how much he and his friends have sacrificed to protect the worlds from plunging into eternal despair. As Riku drifts off into his thoughts, when he opens his eyes, he realizes that his friends aren't anywhere to be seen. At first he thinks that maybe the enemy has found them and split them up, but then he realizes that he hasn't been separated from his friends. Rather, he has entered a dream. He looks around him, and then he sees her. The Young Woman whom he had seen before, the voice that led him through the darkness. She smiles gently at him, and she goes towards him and takes his hand.

Young Woman: It's all right. You are here with me. You'll be able to feel at peace, at least for a few moments. Come, let's walk together.

Riku: Hey...thanks for last time. I appreciated your help, and that kiss we had...I never forgot about it. You've been on my mind every day.

He touches her face gently and he closes in on her. She smiles and moans softly, letting him get closer. In that instant, Riku embraces her and kisses her with great passion. They both give in to each other's warmth and keep kissing each other. They want the kiss to last longer, but they know that their time is limited. She pulls away gently and touches his face.

Young Woman: You've been through so much Riku. You've been through so many trials, and yet you've managed to master the darkness within you. Something that is almost impossible for most beings.

Riku: Yeah. It's been one heck of an experience. Me and Sora and the others have been through a lot. But having each other's backs has always given us all the push to keep going forward. By the way, what's your name?

Young Woman: Oh, that's right! I had promised to give you my name on our next date. Hehe, and seeing as how this is our date, then I'll tell you my name. I am Dawn.

Riku: Hmm, Dawn. You sure have a calm and serene name.

Dawn: Thank you. Now then, there is one last message I must give you before the final battle begins.

Riku: And what would that be?

Dawn: You must all steel yourselves, for the coming battles shall be difficult, and the enemy is prepared for you. They will unleash all their force upon you. But remember that you have the Anthrax Meteor Shard, and it's activation will turn the tide, of that I'm sure.

Riku: But how will I know when to activate it?

Dawn: When the time is right, when you are in your darkest hour, it shall awaken.

Riku: I see. Say Dawn, can I ask you something?

Dawn: Of course.

Riku: After all this is over, would you come with me?

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