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chapter two: once again🥀

then why did you make me cry?

if i forgive you, are you able to laugh again?
but do you even want my forgiveness?

[1507 words]




next day at 11 am.

Siddharth: Faisu please get back your ass here out of the room. It's been more than an hour.. Even a girl can be more quick. . Faisu ?? Oh god please come back.. now I'll cry for sure my lil cute ass is getting hurt by sitting here and waiting for you, are you gonna-

Siddharth got cut off as Faisu opened the door revealing him wearing a blue suit while black shirt under it. of course he was looking extremely attractive in that look.

Siddharth came closer and signed then spoke.

Siddharth: Bro you took more than one and half hours-

Faisu: *cutting off siddharth* drop that topic and tell me am I looking handsome or not .. should I change ag-

Siddharth: no no- no need to change again. Tf bro I can't stand here anymore. well. umm. Im not GAY tho but I have to admit that you're looking super seductive.

Faisu: huh!

Siddharth: I'm damn sure she's gonna fall for you once again *soft smile*

Faisu: fall for me once again? what do you want to mean by "once again"?!

Siddharth stayed silent for a minute.

Siddharth: anyways. let's go we are getting late. anty and zarka are already on the way. anty needed a quick conversation with her mom so she wanted to reach there before us!

Faisu: Oh.. let's go.

They headed towards their car while both of them made slow step. they were deep in their own thought. One was thinking of nothing but the situation that is gonna create when that two person will meet again while another one was thinking about someone he had left behind. Soon he is getting married but not to the LOVE OF HIS LIFE!

soon they reached the car. Faisu was about to open the door but Siddhath blocked it as they looked at each other.

Faisu was totally confused and that was visible in his facial expressions. Sidd reached for his hand and grabbed the confused boys shoulder with an uneven smile.

Siddharth: you know life is very difficult at some point. *chuckle and faced the ground* well who knows it better than you. Faisu i-

Faisu: what's wrong buddy?? are you okay? you can tell me.. Im always there for you! I'll defrnitely-

Siddharth: nothing is wrong! looking into faisu's eyes* but yeah.. something wrong had happened few years ago and I'm trying to make it right. and I'll fix the mess at any cost *Smiles brightly while cupping the side of faisu's cheeks*

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