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Authors POV

New York


Alex had call ahead to tell Mason what was going on. He had everyone pack and kept an eye on his ex wife and their daughter while his eldest daughter that he shares with Alex is being watched by her grandfather Michael Parrish aka Rahi Gambhir. He had faked his death after he was "killed" by Alex when she was a young girl. He had divorced her mother before the accident had happened. He knew it was his own fault because he was hurting his ex wife and she was scared.

After, he found Alex and apologized to her and they built up and strong relationship. She didn't forgive him for hurting her mother all these years but she does love him and he's an amazing grandfather to Asha and Isabella. Isabella loves him. She knows to not talk about him or the others when she's with Sita or Alex's team.

"Mason, she's here let's go," Rahi shouted downstairs. Alex got out her car and met her daughter half way and they embraced tightly.

"I've missed you, Bambi." Alex said in her daughters ear.

"I've missed you more, mama."

They pull away and Alex hugs her father. She knows he was never supposed to come out of hiding but she doesn't want to risk him.

"I missed you sweetheart,"

"Missed you too, dad."

Mason comes outside with his daughter and ex wife. Abby was taking Hendrix to another safe house with their team while Mason went with his ex and their daughter. He hugged Hendrix goodbye and nodded to Abby while Hendrix hugged her older half sister goodbye. Abby and Hendrix leave. Mason stares at Alex taking her in. He's known ever since they got their memories back that he still loved her. Abby had divorced him after getting her memories back as well. They told Hendrix the truth and it of course did hurt her but she understood.



Rahi and Asha were staring at them back and forth. Alex broke eye contact first and help them put their bags in the truck. Asha sits in the passenger seat while Mason and Rahi get in the back. Alex starts the car and drives off to Shelby's house.

Couple hours later

Alex pulls up at the same time as Owen. They all get out the car and Owen looks at them confused.

"Alex, what's going on? I already have your mom and Isabella inside," Owen said. Alex sighed heavily.

"Owen, this is my ex boyfriend Mason Kane and this is our daughter Asha. And, this is my father. Michael Parrish or Rahi Gambhir." Alex said.

"Michael is most likely to remember so you can just call me that," Rahi said. Owen nods still taking it in that Alex had a whole other child who's a teenager.

They walk inside and everyone stops talking and turns to them. Isabella smiles and runs into Alex's waiting arms. After she hugs Asha and Rahi and he picks her up and holds her. Sita is staring at her supposed to be dead ex husband. She looks at her daughter wanting an explanation.

"Alex, who are they?" Ryan asked.

"Everyone this is my eldest daughter Asha. This is her father Mason Kane and this is my father Michael Parrish or Rahi Gambhir,"

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