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Authors POV

A Month later


After dealing with the whole Conor Devlin. Alex and Mason have been dating for a month now. Asha is happy her parents are back together.

Some of the moms who've been trying to get Mason in there beds are extremely jealous and upset that he got back with Asha's mother and it's just the same with the fathers who wanted to get Alex in there beds.

Alex and Mason are sleeping in the bed when Mason's alarm clock starts going off. Asha and Hendrix have to be in school by 8:30. The parents all allow the girls to stay asleep until 7:20. Mason groans and wakes up. He's laying on Alex's stomach with his right hand laying across her. He looks up to see her still sleeping. He smiles before quickly grabbing his phone and snapping a picture of her. He places his phone back down and kisses her neck to wake her up.

"Stop it." She said. He smiled.

"Get up. I'm going to wake Asha up, Abby most likely has Hendrix up already." He said making her nod. She yawns and stretches. Mason walks out his room to Asha's that's just 3 doors down. He knocks on the door twice before entering to see Asha still sleeping.

He smiles before she walks over to her and kisses her head and shakes her awake.

"Go away," She said sounding just like her mother. Mason laughs lightly.

"Get your ass up or I won't talk to your mother about giving you your phone back," He threatened causing her to shoot up and glare at him. He smiles and kisses head.

"Get outta bed and get ready for school." He said and leaves her room. He walks back in his room to hear the shower running. He smiles and goes to join her.

"Morning." He says when he comes in behind her. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"Get out." She replied. "I promise I won't seduce you." He said.

"I don't believe you."

"Well too bad. I'm not gettin out."

Alex rolls her eyes again and they shower. After they get out and dry off they get dress in a matching outfit.

Alex's outfit

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Alex's outfit

Alex's outfit

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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