Chapter 11 - First Date

466 13 77

Wills POV

I wake up and I feel arms wrapped around me so I turn around and see Mike sleeping.

I smile and kiss his nose and as I'm turning back around I hear something.

"Oh my god their so cute I just wanna squeeze them!!" A voice says.

Who is that?

I rub my eyes and look around and I see that Nancy and Robin where at the top of the basement stares looking at me and Mike.

I panic for a moment, what if she had seen me kiss Mike?

"You guys are adorable!!!" She yells running over to us.

"Robin be quiet! Everyone is still sleeping." Nancy scolds her.

"Sorry mum" Robin teases and Nancy rolls her eyes.

I feel Mike move from behind my (woah buddy calm down) so I turn around to see his eyes fluttering open.

"Good morning." Mike smiles, looking at me.

"Morning." I whisper back, and he digs his head into the crook of my neck.

"Go back to sleep, I'm tired.." He whispers into my neck and I shiver.

"Not now, Mike. Get up, come on." I order, trying to hide my red face.

"Can we have breakfast?" Mike asks Nancy.

"Sure, does everyone like waffles?"

Mike mumbles something incoherent so I nod and her and robin go upstairs to make the food.

"Will sleep with me come on!" Mike whines.

I go red at the way Mike's worded that, "Mike come on get up." I try and shake him off me but he hugs ny eaist even tighter.

"Your so clingy!" I groan, trying to pry his arms off of me.

"You love it.." He mumbles, going back to sleep.

I try to get out of his grip for a few more minutes before I realise that I'm definitely not going anywhere so I just go back to bed and wait for Nancy and Robin to finish breakfast.

I turn around to face Mike and I see him sleeping peacefully.

I admire his features, his sharp jawline, big nose that I find oddly attractive, his soft lips, his long curled eye lashes. Hes gorgeous.

I place my hand on his cheek and use my thumb to gently stroke his face, and I kiss the tip of his nose again.

"Mike, wake up." I whisper after about 10 minutes as I can smell the waffles.

"Mum 5 more minutes I wont be late.." He mutters.

I giggle, "Mike it's Will."

"Oh, hi." He smiles, rubbing his eyes.

"Hi." I smile back and he kisses me and I kiss back.

"Pack it up skittles squad we are all hungry." Max scoffs and we both turn to look at her.

"Max shut up." Mike mumbles, removing his arms from my waist and sitting up.

I look at him as the sun highlights his face.

"Are you staring, byers?" Mike grins at me.

"W-What? No." I look away instantly.

He chuckles and pulls me up onto my feet, and we all walk up to have breakfast.

"Good morning kiddos!" Robin grins.

"Morning!" We all reply back, smiling at her.

"Go sit down, we are gonna have your waffles out in a minute." She grins and we all nod and head over to the table.

On one side Lucas sits on the left, max in the middle and dustin on the right. Infront of Lucas is Me, then Mike in the middle and eleven on the right.

Nancy and robin bring out 8 plates of waffles, and hands them all out to us and then they sit on oppossite ends of the table.

We all thank them, and start eating.

I feel someone hold my hand and I look down to see Mike holding my hand underneath the table.

I blush and I see Mike grin.

"Okay it's literally 8am cut it out lovebirds." Dustin scoffs and I go even more red and Mike just rolls his eyes amd squeezes my hand.

We all finish breakfast and decide that we should go out somewhere. Nancy and robin disappear somewhere so we start to discuss where we could go.

"We should go to the mall!" Max grins and we all agree.

(Time skip to them all
arriving at the Mall)

"Sorry guys but me and El are having a girls day." Max announces as they both run off giggling.

"Me and Dustin are gonna go to the arcade!" Lucas tells us, winking.

I know exactly what he is doing.

"I guess its just you and me byers."

"It always is, isn't it." I grin and we both walk inside.

"We should go to scoops ahoy." Mike says and I agree, since we will get to see steve and robin.

We enter scoops and walk up to the front desk.


I'm not letting you go through the back again." Steve tells us and I see Mike roll his eyes.

"Relax, we just want ice cream."

"Thats a suprise, what can I get for you?"

"Uh, can we have a mint choc chip and a strawberry?" Mike looks over at me to make sure I want strawberry and I nod.

"Yep, thats £5!"

I was about to pay for half when Mike places a 5 on the table.

"Mike you aren't playing for me." I frown.

"Shhh just enjoy your ice cream." He shushs me, handing me the ice cream. I blush as his hand touches mine and we sit down.

"T-Thank you.." I smile at him shyly

"No problem, byers." Mike grins at me.

We are both sat in a booth together, just enjoying the comfortable silence.

"You know, this could be our first date. A little ice cream date." Mike suggests and I see him get shy.

"Well I love it." I smile softly at him and he goes red.

We continue to eat our ice cream, joking around with each other before we hear our names being called.

"Mike! Will! Come check this out!!"

{Word Count: 994}

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