Spin The Overused YA Trope

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It's a Friday in late August, and the girls are over at my place— I'm never gonna get tired of saying that— for a sleepover. Well, Pinkie keeps calling it a Slumber Party, but that sounds totally lame, so I'm vetoing it.

Why are we having a sleepover, you ask? Isn't it obvious? I just got moved into my new place! It was no easy deed, either; we basically spent the whole summer making the apartment livable. We got rid of the raccoons living in the walls, got rid of all the weird bones beneath the floorboards, and painted the walls a really awesome rainbow ombré.

The girls were a big help the whole time, so we're celebrating all together. It was Pinkie's idea to have a sleepover to break my new place in, and my friends would never pass up an opportunity to bask in my greatness....just kidding, sometimes these guys just don't know what they're missing.

Anyway— everyone gets here around 6:00. We set up our sleeping bags in front of the flatscreen in my living room and since it's my housewarming sleepover, I make everyone watch Daring Do and The Cowardly Don't.

20 minutes in, Sunset Shimmer asks a really stupid question: "Rainbow, is this a romance?"

I pause in eating the churro popcorn Pinkie brought us to give Sunset a hard look. "Dude, what? Of course not! It's Daring Do,"

"I believe Sunset's question is valid, darling," Rarity says in that airy way of hers. She's braiding Fluttershy's hair on the couch and watching the movie at the same time, which is undeniable proof that multi-tasking does exist and that scientists don't know what they're talking about.

Rarity goes on, "Daring Do and this sidekick of hers seem to have a certain, ahem, sexual tension."

Typical Rarity. She's always looking for the romance in the least romantic stuff possible. It is weird that Sunset agrees with her, though. "That's not sexual tension— it's just, like, normal tension! It's how you make stories interesting,"

"Is normal tension the type where you lovingly gaze into your sidekick's eyes while tending to their battle wounds?" Pinkie stops shovelling popcorn into her mouth long enough to give her incomprehensible two cents.


"Come on, Dash, you can't tell me it's not a little gay," Sunset waves her hand at the screen, where Daring Do and Cowardly Don't are in a heated standoff. "You don't just stare into someone's eyes like that without being sort of into them!"

"Actually, Sunset has a point," of course Twilight would say that. Anyone with half a brain can tell she and Sunset have a thing going on. "The way the narrative frames their interactions is objectively romantic. For example, that scene where Daring ogles at Cowardly as she comes out the hot springs—"

"Hey, that was not ogling. It was an athlete respecting another athlete's bod! It's totally normal," Twilight gives me a really weird look when I say this, and I maybe feel a teensy bit panicked.

Alright, time to fish for backup. "Fluttershy, you're with me, right?"

Fluttershy gets all shy(go figure) when I bring attention to her. I feel a little bad for it, but I can't just let myself get ganged up on like this! "Uhm...well...y-yes?"

I turn back to the others with a victorious grin. "See— Fluttershy's on my side,"

Sunset raises her hands in defense. "I'm just saying, most people don't share intimate stare contests with their totally platonic friends,"

I'm just about to respond saying that I share intimate stare contests with a totally platonic friend and we're not secretly deeply in love with each-other when Applejack comes back from the bathroom and says, "What'd Ah miss?"

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