tokio hotel

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once we get home tom and bill look at us and frown.

are you alright baby?
bill says to me as he pulls me to a corner
i start crying and he hugs me and strokes my hair
he picks me up and brings me to our room and puts me on our bed.
he lays my head in his lap and I sob and he hugs me

he pulls me up and wipes my tears and strokes my hair
I get myself together and start talking

it's just.
my voice cracks as i try not to cry
that band was everything to us
and theyv just kicked us out like that
they'll steal all of our songs too
bill hugs me again

baby it's okay
i cry even more at him saying that.

i don't deserve u bill i say while crying and smiling
i walk out the room and see Ron crying in toms arms too
she sees me and stands up and we run to eschother and hug.
ron is my bestfriend in the full world i don't know what i would do without her.

we put her heads together while hugging and i whisper in her ear

its just me and you ron

she cries even more and we hug for longer and i look behind her and see even tom is crying.

we pull from the hug and we make bill and Tom come over and we all group hug.

i love u guys i say to them.


i wake up on bills chest and him holding my head and he's still sleeping
my face is so puffy from crying loads
i sit up and smile while looking at bill sleeping

I love him so much.

ron comes in with cereal for me and sits on the bed i hug her and say

hey are you okay?

she smiles and says yeah now
THEYR. Just cunts yk
i high five her and get up and notice bill waking up

i smile and look at him while we walk out

i give ron a piggy back and she screams while holding onto her cereal and it goes all down my FUCKINT BACK

we both scream and fall on the floor luckily it was carpet and we both burst out laughing tom and bill come out and Tom runs up to pick up ron but slips on the milk on the floor and we all laugh and bill takes photos

i get up and jump over to bill and hug him and he picks me up and brings me on the table and sits me on the table ron comes over and sits with me while Tom makes her more cereal and i think

i wanna go out with these guys today they are my bestfriends

do you all wanna go to the beach ?

YESSS ron says and stands up and starts dancing

PERIODDD I say while standing up and dancing too

BE CAREFUL BABY tom shouts with a voice full of accent

ill be fine hubby ron replies and smiles

me and bill look at EACHOTHER and burst out laughing

BE CARE FUL BABEY bill shouts mocking tom with a voice filled with accent

ill be fine hubby i say mocking her in a very squeaky high pitched voice and she playfully hits me.


me and ron sit in me and bills room and i curl my hair and she straightens hers.

i ask her what swim suit I should wear.
she picks a hot pink one

she asks me which swimsuit she would wear
I pick a red one for her.

our costumes

our costumes

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we both walk out and see bill and Tom in the kitchen and toms eye drops to rons waist snd he smiles while holding onto his arm bands

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we both walk out and see bill and Tom in the kitchen and toms eye drops to rons waist snd he smiles while holding onto his arm bands

i laugh

i hear in response


i jump on bills back and ron jumps on toms while they race down to the pool and they push us in the water
i scream and pick up my hair to prevent it from getting wet and so does ron
luckily they don't get wet !

i slap bill and run to the sand

me and ron do cart wheels and handsprings on the sand

WOAH? bill shours HOW DDI U DO THAT

tom tries to do a cartwheel and fails badly

BAHAHAHHAHAHS we all laugh

i walk up to where we placed some towels later and bill follows and slaps my ass and I turn around

he winks and sits down with me

Do you feel better?
i smile
i do!

tom come here im gonna tell her
bring ron!

ron comes over and sits next to me


bill and Tom stand infront of us

so ..
we talked to gustav and georg

and we want u to be apart of tokio hotel

i almost cry
i jump up and hug bill and Tom and kiss bill

i love you guys oh my god
this means allot

i hug ron and she looks so exicted !

we walk back to our car to go home .

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