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when we get home we walk in and put all of the stuff on the floor and i jump on the couch and then somebody knocks on the door and bill answers it.

what the fuck??

i stand up and walk to the fucking door to see who just called my boyfriend baby.

who the fuck are you?

bill holds my waist and i get closer to this ugly bitch


ron comes running and sees a bitch at the door

ron looks her up and down

sorry homeless woman we don't have spare change

tom bursts out laughing and bill gives him a look to say SHUT THE FUCK UP

she looks ron up and down and says excuse me ? im basically giving spare change to you being at this doorstep.

ron punches her and she falls to the floor falling down the stairs at our door

she stands up and says EXCUSE NE BJTFH?

she runs into our house she pushes past us and she runs over to bill and tom hiding in the corner from this ugly bitch

bill pushes her while Tom twists her and she goes flying into a lamp and falls on the floor we all laugh and i take a photo of her on the floor and ron smashes a glass bottle over her fucking face and puts the glass in her mouth Tom picks her up and throws her out the door and locks the door

we all laugh and then i walk up to bill and say okay who thenfuck was that crazy bitch coming to our door calling u baby?

I raise my eyebrow and he looks nervous


ron picks a glass bottle up and tries to smash it over bills head but I make her stop

i used to go out with her he says
and she's obsessed with me

we open the front door and see her body still lying on the floor outside our door.

i jump on the couch again and bill cuddles with me and i stroke his hair

tom smacks rons ass and she turns around and playfully pushes him and jumps on the couch pushing bill away to sit with me.

i turn on the tv and see what's good

we should watch these tapes i found

i put the first one in and i see bill sitting on the bed with no shirt on and a blanket covering his lower body i see me crawling in with NO CLLTHESBON and i turn of the tape Immediately

bill starts laughing and i cover my face and Tom laughs and rons eyes widen

i put my head in my hands and change the tapes

there is one of bill and Tom preforming on a stage when they where 14 years old

aww ur such babies in that
ron says as she falls off the couch

i burst out laughing

i fall on the floor and lie with ron on our stomachs  and bill lies on top of me

i slap his bum  and say Oohh u have gyat bill

BAHAHSHHSHSHSHSH tom laughs  And I walk to the fridge to get water and Ron follows

i look outside the window of our balcony and see john, amber and 2 other skanky girls

i slap rons elbow to make her look to and we smirk and run to the bathroom and get toilet water and pour it on them as they walk right below our balcony

we burst out laughing and duck while they scream and look up

bill grabs me and says

let's go to bed im tired and i want to cuddle with u

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