The End.

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We get ready and all thay and go to the party.

We walk and knock on the door and the random guy lets us in

I look over and see amber, john and the 2 other random people ( amber and John r from English motel the band miley and Ron where originally in)

my eyes go wide open and i tap ron and she turns angry

We notice theee is a KAROKE booth so me and ron sign our names

can we sing reden by English motel

hey weren't you apart of English motel ? the KAROKE guy answers while writing our names down

he speaks into the microphone


amber and John look up

i start singing

i havenr sang this song in ages

everyone records it since it's the first time iv sang reden since we got kicked out

people have been saying they miss my voice and then nee singer of English motel done a reden cover.

I finish the duet with Ron

REDEN! we both shout in the microphone

i notice bill and Tom standing there

i smile and walk over to them and then john and amber come up to us

you guys done good!
i slap amber

shut the fuck up
don't act like our friend.

*Fast forward 14 years*

i am still with bill and Tom is still with ron

me and bill have children and he has also switched up his style and has been into pink more recently.

I love to rethink to our moments
especially when we first met.

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