Chapter 6

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It's lunch time and I'm driving with Lubabalo to this restaurant for that '' lunch date'' he parks, open his door walk out and comes to my side, opens my door mmh he is a gentleman pity he's not my type.

Lubabalo: '' may we.''

me:'' sure.'' 

we go inside, we sit down he also opened the chair for me. The waitress came to us with the menu. 

waitress:'' good day I'm lizeka your waitress for the day here are your menus please look and tell me what you would like to order.''

me:'' thank you cc I would like to have steak and chips with apple juice.''

Lubabalo: '' same order but with orange juice thanks.''

she takes our order and comes back moment later with our food we dig in over a light Convo.

Just as I was starting to enjoy this lunch with him, a cold thing comes in contact with my skin I quickly look up this lady holding a glass did this, bitch poured juice on me she's heavily pregnant. 

her:'' So this is why you missed our doctor's appointment because you busy with one of your sluts.'' 

me:'' Did you just pour juice on me bitch this is my fav shirt and who the hell are you calling a slut.'' 

all this time moguy is quiet like a he has seen a ghost.

her: '' That will teach you stay away from people's fiancées.''

me: '' listen here ntombazane [ lady]  the only reason you still standing is because you pregnant next time behave like a lady and ask before you decide to play Van Damne for your fucken information he's my colleague, we only eating lunch together cause  our lunch is at the same time , I have my own man and call me a slut again I'll make you give birth right here nxa excuse me .''

 I say that standing up I can't believe this Argh Lubabalo I'm sorry about this zee.''

me:'' It's fine just stay away from me and keep your baby mama away or I'll kill her.''

I leave them arguing I request an uber and go home I'm no longer in the mood for work perks of working for your brother lol.

I get home, I Find it empty of course everyone is at work anyways I put my bag on the kitchen stand went to the fridge and took a bottle of water my phone rings its my one and only best friend.


Ase: '' chubby cheeks.'' 

I smile I like it when she calls me that. 

me:'' Dimples I had a very bad day.''

her: '' who messed with so we can beat them up.''

I chuckle mind you she cannot even hurt a fly; I tell her everything that happened, and boy is he livid. 

her: '' WHAT THE HELL!! I always knew that lubabalo is an idiot but a whole baby mama and she is lucky that she was pregnant or else you would have mopped the floor with her nxa how dare she.''

see why I love her she gets me.

me: '' that is exactly what I told her; my fav shirt is ruined damn you lubabalo.''

her: '' sorry chubby cheeks.''

me: '' HEY! I lost weight I'm not chubby no more.''

her: * Laughing* Well you always chubby cheeks to me look babes luyolo is calling, I'll check up on you later love you.'''

me: '' we selibuyile lelokhande likhulu and what happened to I love you not love you.'' [ that big head is back]

her: '' * laughs* uzokushaya uluyolo wena and I'm not your man sisi but for peace sakes I love you chubby cheeks.''[ luyolo will beat you up]

me: 'oh just because you have one mxm I love you too dimples.''

I hang up , took my bag and headed to my room to take a steamy shower .

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