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The name you already know, I lived in the America since I was 18 when I passed with 7 distinctions so I got a bursary to study at Havard. I have a family here in SA I have two borthers and my mom is Nombulelo Damane. You must be wondering why I use the Zwane surname it's my mom's maiden surname, my family are gangsters my dad was the most feared gangster with all lot of enemies so I had the fact that I'm a Damane and I'm fine with being a Zwane, I don't wanna mix myself with them but hey you can't choose family.

As I'm driving I receive a call from mom, I connect the call to the car Bluetooth and answer.

Mom : " We kayise where are you huh!?"
Oh no she's angry.
Me: " Mom relax I'm not my way."
Mom : " on your way you should have been here an hour ago."
Me: " Hlisa umoya kamangethe uzobulalwa ushukela." ( calm down * clan name* you will be killed by diabetes)
She laugh I know how to soften her up
Her: " Fuck off wena ushukela uphatha ugogo wakho I'm still young mna tchi. " ( diabetes is for your grandma)
Me :". Leave Xhosa to it's people stick to Zulu please."
Her : " Mxm just get here."
She hungs up.

I continue to drive while thinking about Malanga am what is that girl doing to me I've never felt this before even with my ex girlfriend Alex still nothing beside that girl fucks her producer and thinks I don't know so since I'm moving back this side I broke up with her but this time with Asemahle it's ten times worse I already see my self in the altar waiting for her damn zipho man! I chuckle and realize I've arrived I park at the driveway and get out of the car I see the bodyguard roaming around, remind me why I'm back to this drama again.

My idiot brother lungelo and akwandeokuhle oh I forgot to mention my little sister kuhle she's the only princess among the three d**heads. She runs to me and I catch her and spin her around.
Akwande : " my American brother madoda."
I laugh she call me this everytime.
Me : " My African queen how are you?"
Akwande : " I'm fine bhuti I missed you alot."
Me: "your gift is in the car kuhle stop pretending like you missed me."
She pouts.
Her:" You know me too well."
She grabs the keys from me and run to the car.
Lungelo and I chuckle this child.
Him: " Bafo."
He shakes my hand.
Me: " kuhamba kanjan kodwa mtaka baba. "
( how is it going)
Him:" Kuyangcengeka bafo." ( it's manageable brother)
I only see now that he's walking with crunches.
Me: " what's up with the crunches?"
Him:" I got shot a few weeks back."
Me : " what happened? "
Him:" Ask no questions hear no lies."
Me: " you see this life of yours? "

We laugh as we head inside, as soon as mom sees me she ulilates and hugs me, kissing my face it's been long so her reaction is understandable.
Me:" Enough mama"
She's smiles at me
Mom: " I'm just happy to see you it's been years, Lungelo put your brother's bags in his old room."
Lungelo: " ahhh mara mama he hasn't been back eben for a little while already I'm doing errands for him it's not fair."
He whines
Mom: " Ndizaku khaba unye mna uyandiva?!."( I'll beat you up so bad)
Dad was Xhosa so when mom is angry she speaks Xhosa.
Lungelo: " I'm sorry mom. "
Me:" *laughing * pussy. "
Mom:" Uthini kayise. " ( what are you saying?)
Me :" Nothing mom."
Lungelo : "coward."
Zimele comes downs the stairs, he was looking down at his phone he looked up and sees me he runs and jump on me we both fall down.
Me: " Ayi fusegi Marn lele mdala get off me."
They all laugh.
Zimele: "Hawu I saw awande do it. I thought maybe I should try it you know."
Me : " Mxm fuck off."
Mom : " enough with your sibling drama let's go eat I cooked your favourate food."
She pulls me to the dinning room and we all sit down and eat.

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