Chapter 8

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Gentlemen. What a pleasant surprise Dragoon said.

I wish we could say the same thing. Move away from the horse. Please Sir Leon said.

What lovely manners. I do admire a man who says "please" Dragoon said smiling.

Now Sir Leon said drawing his sword and the others followed the first knights actions as Dragoon moves away from the horse and they surround him.  Did this man have a death wish Leon wondered as he turned to face Percival opening his mouth definitely a death wish Leon thought

Have you got bigger? Dragoon asked Percival.  You'll be getting shorter if I have my way Sir Percival responded.

Nice. I like it Lancelot snorted as he tried not to laugh but it was too late as Gwaine and the others turned to face him the old man spun around taking their attention off the knight of the round table.

Leon, really. There must be something in the Knight's Code about how to treat an old man Dragoon said.

You're not just any old man, though, are you? Sir Leon responded.

You escaped the flames once, you won't escape again. Merlin looked at Gwaine and gave him a knowing look. "I understand congratulations are in order?" Gwaine draws his sword at his words, but Merlin continued Sir! And you are not what you seem. What is he talking about? I'm a good mind to run you through right now.

I think Andrew would prefer to see him alive Sir Leon replied holding up his hand.

Oh--oh-oh. No, really, Arthur doesn't  want to see me, believe me. In fact, if Arthur does see me, he will be in grave danger Dragoon said as Elyan draws his sword.

Are you threatening the life of our king? Sir Elyan asked as Percival poked  Dragoon in the back with his sword before poking him again.

Percival! That is a sword, it does hurt 

Lancelot snorted as he tried not to laugh but it was once again too late as Gwaine and the others turned to face him again.

Yes, I am afraid to say, if you don't let me go, then there is every chance that I will KILL YOUR KING! The old man continued taking their attention off the knight of the round table for a second time.

Something about the mans eyes were familiar Gwaine was just to angry to figure out what. Say that again! He yelled

Why? Have you got ale in your ears?
then ignoring the fact that Something about the mans eyes were familiar Gwaine yelled and went for the attack

Dragoon held up a hand and stops him knocking him out. Percival attacks next, but Dragoon just breaks his sword in half and magically shoves Percival and Leon into each other before turning both men on the dark skinned knight

Lancelot snickered and found he couldn't stop

Merlin uses them as a set of stairs to get onto his horse.]

Ha! Thank you, gentlemen.

So considerate to help an old man. Lancelot couldn't help but laugh even harder which only caught Percival’s attention causing him to glare at the Knight if Percival could move he'd start throwing fists

Lancelot I believe like with Sir Gwaine I understand congratulations are in order?" He said giving him a knowing wink and with that Merlin disappeared

You let him go why Percival asked

I didn't want to become a set of stairs for an old man plus if you look at it from my view you would actually find it funny. Gwaine and Percival stared into Lancelot’s eyes. No you know something and your not telling us

Id tell you if i knew something Lancelot lied as Percival grabbed Lancelot by the shirt collar pulling him foreword you never were a good liar so what are you not telling us.

Lancelot's face hardened slightly Id tell you if I knew something Lancelot lied again this time it was more believable.

Were your friends Lancelot Leon said

I know that Leon but this is something I can't tell you I promised him I wouldn't tell who he is. You promised a sorcerer Gwaine said shocked that specific sorcerer Percival added like Gwaine he was shocked. Well yes and no it's complicated

What's complicated about this
Your protecting a sorcerer Percival asked

Your siding with the sorcerer that threatened the life of our king Elyan asked as I said it's complicated

What's complicated about this
Your protecting a sorcerer Gwaine said repeating Percivals earlier question.

If you knew who he was Percival you'd probably protect him to

If you all know who he is would it still be as you say not complicated too you Percival would it still be not complicated if all of you knew his true identity than would as you and Gwaine still ask what is complicated about all of this

The sorcerer has put me in a tough situation I want to tell you honestly I do but...... Your conspiring with a sorcerer Leon said finally joining the conversation. I'm not conspiring with anyone I'm protecting a friend a brother and with that Lancelot stormed off into the woods leaving the knights in stunned and confused shock.

Lancelot sighed running a hand through his hair that could have gone better Lancelot thought so lost in his own thoughts he didn't hear the snapping of twigs and the footsteps sounding from behind him

What was all that about
Leon asked how much should Lancelot tell his freind he didn't know he buried his hands to cover his face Leon recognized that action it was an action Lancelot had always done when he was thinking of how much he should tell his friend's

Leon waited patiently for Lancelot to answer. Lancelot's hands shook as he ran his hands through his hair Leon grabbed both Lancelot's hands in his own to steady them

The thing about this Dragoon is he isn't an 80 year old man he's...... Younger? Leon asked as Lancelot nodded he's younger and when he planted that poultice In my chambers he meant to get caught so Gwaine Andrew and I could escape the Pyre.

Leon looked at him confused but he didn't ask

But who is the sorcerer ? Leon asked it's not my secret to tell Lancelot responded Leon sighed you said your protecting a friend a brother  clearly you know this man Leon closed his eyes before asking do I know him? Lancelot was silent. Please Lancelot do I know him? Leon asked again. Yes Lancelot said eventually this only heightened Leon's confusion but he decided not to ask as he knew Lancelot's answer. (It's not my secret to tell)  Leon sighed just tell me something about him why'd he learn magic if he lives in Camelot? He didn't learn any magic he was born with it.

Leon's eyes widened shaking his head why do you think Uthur Pendragon drowned newborns? Children? Lancelot asked

Sighing with fresh tears in his eyes Leon and Lancelot made their way to camp and too the other knights.

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