a love sick story containing old best friends,new friends,blood sweat and tears jade thinks she knows her family and her old friend or does she ,as she moves into her new school she bumps into him
''princess is that you?''
Jade was known as the good girl all her life, she was too sweet and would give up anything for anyone. She had only met noel when she they were five and had practically grown up with him, they were the closest of friends until noel moved schools do to the trouble he got into.
Him and your parents were great friends with each other, you saw him often coming over to your house until you guys were fourteen and he moved away.
It had been decided by your parents it was best to move schools after a whole year had passed, due to the severe bullying you had become target to as soon as noel left, little did you know you would see his face again.
''Jade come on wake up im not having you be late on your first day of school'' my mother said with patience in her voice as she shook my gently,she had always rather been more patient then my farther,
''mum five more minutes please'' i pleaded with her.
''no jade if i give you five more minutes you'd have 15 minutes before you even have to set off so get or or i drag you out'' she said with a demanding tone , have i ever mentioned my mum may be patient but does not have the time for messing about just makes no sense to me.
''okay, okay im getting up no need for violence this early''
''good,dont take long'' she said leaving the room as i got out of bed.
There wasn't really much of an option here of what i could wear because we had a uniform set, it was a plain but pretty navy blue uniform , yeah crazy to say were in California, i decided to keep my makeup light and tie my hair in a messy bunwith two front pieces hanging out , it was simple but cute,
(for anyone struggling to imagine here)
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i then headed down stairs and made myself cereal , after finishing this i put a chewing gum in my mouth as i would have no time to be able to brush my teeth due to me only having five minutes before i leave.
I walked to the front door and grabbed my bag,there wasn't really anything special about this ,it was just a boring,plain simple bag i remember having a pink sparkly bag when i was about six i never got rid of it until i was nine due to leo throwing up on it , i then put on my shoes as i began walking to school,weird right,nope : as strange as it sounds i already knew my way to this school as i used to pass it every day.
as i finally got to school, i see maddie, i run up and hug her and let go
''hey mads''
''oh my god,hi Jade i never knew you came here '' she sounded confused and i softly chucked at her action.
''oh,no ive just transfered here''
''well never the less i get to see you more'' she pulls me into a tight hug '' Maddie i sort've need to breathe''
''oh sorry jade''
she releases me from her grasp and i could finally catch my breathe,then something caught my eye,not a thing,him,noel.
''noel?'' i said walking over to him ,Maddie seemed even more confused at my actions.
noels eyes finally meet mine as he walks up to me ''princess , is that really you?''
he still calls me his favourite nick name , sweet.
Noel had changed to much,well of course he would,people changed get older,god why am i so stupid, i stared at him,his figure had become more masculine and he looked different,not face wise ; well his face had changed but he looked more colder than before, like his looks could kill you but at the same time his teddy brown eyes made him seem more harmless.
''eyes up here love''
i look back up at him, damn he was still the same flirty prick that always some how annoyed me but flirting?
i know where eyes are, i don't need help figuring that out'' i responded sounding like a smart ass.
'' well you probably do, but i know for sure my eyes aren't below my face sunshine''
''nice to know your still the same arse hole''
''always have been love'' he said stepping closer.