chapter 2-seeking you

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warning this chapter containts 

,ED (eating disorder)

you have been warned at your advance

I woke up panting it was the same dream on repeat,

i bumped into Noel,just like i did the other day but we sortve made out instead of a friendly conversation,i mean it technically wasnt friendly it was just us straight up flirting.

i stood up got out of bed, i looked in the mirror,jeez i was i mess but a hot mess.

*time skip*

i was currently in the first class and Noel kept staring at me ,talk about creepy right.

it felt as if i would melt into the floor instead of holes being burnt into the back of my head. 

(warning:ed mentioned)           

class was finally over, i would go and get a snack but im not hungry , i barely eat in the morning,well i barely eat anymore,ever since i had got bullied in my old school, by Tilly, i would really love to know who would name a child Tilly, anyways, ever since that she would calll me fat and tell me all sorts until i broke, i stopped eating, i nearly had to go to hospital thats when everyone called me skinny bones, but hey least skinny was in the name, , my parents could see this, but they still dont notice im still  picking up the empty pieces of my heart,But i guess thats hows its always gonna be for me right.

(mention of ed now over)

the bell finally went, and i had science great.

i started heading my way to science when i was dragged by someone,not a someone,him,Noel.

he dragged me inside an empty classroom,god this seems like a scene out of pretty little liars.

Noel:you've been ignoring me''

Jade:''no i havent''

Noel:''lets not lie now princess''

he takes a step closer, i can feel his breath on my neck

Jade:''i havent''

Noel:''now i wouldnt lie and top if off with lies,tsk tsk''

he then looks at her 

Jade:''what are you doing''

Noel:''when's the last time you ate? "

I froze and panicked

Jade:" at lunch"

Noel':"that's weird didn't see you"

Just then a teacher walked in and i was saved


I wake up gasping, just another stupid dream right, I look at my phone to see Noel name

How'd this guy get my number


Authors note: love you guys xoxo


i know this might be a bit weird for some of you but if you are suffering with ED i am here for you my lovies,so are other people and you want to try  and get the help you want

the yorkshire therapist-07340 495652

usa helpline-1-800-662-4357

i hope you can recover,love you all so much, even if i dont know you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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