warning this chapter containts
,ED (eating disorder)
you have been warned at your advance
I woke up panting it was the same dream on repeat,
i bumped into Noel,just like i did the other day but we sortve made out instead of a friendly conversation,i mean it technically wasnt friendly it was just us straight up flirting.
i stood up got out of bed, i looked in the mirror,jeez i was i mess but a hot mess.
*time skip*
i was currently in the first class and Noel kept staring at me ,talk about creepy right.
it felt as if i would melt into the floor instead of holes being burnt into the back of my head.
(warning:ed mentioned)
class was finally over, i would go and get a snack but im not hungry , i barely eat in the morning,well i barely eat anymore,ever since i had got bullied in my old school, by Tilly, i would really love to know who would name a child Tilly, anyways, ever since that she would calll me fat and tell me all sorts until i broke, i stopped eating, i nearly had to go to hospital thats when everyone called me skinny bones, but hey least skinny was in the name, , my parents could see this, but they still dont notice im still picking up the empty pieces of my heart,But i guess thats hows its always gonna be for me right.
(mention of ed now over)
the bell finally went, and i had science great.
i started heading my way to science when i was dragged by someone,not a someone,him,Noel.
he dragged me inside an empty classroom,god this seems like a scene out of pretty little liars.
Noel:you've been ignoring me''
Jade:''no i havent''
Noel:''lets not lie now princess''
he takes a step closer, i can feel his breath on my neck
Jade:''i havent''
Noel:''now i wouldnt lie and top if off with lies,tsk tsk''
he then looks at her
Jade:''what are you doing''
Noel:''when's the last time you ate? "
I froze and panicked
Jade:" at lunch"
Noel':"that's weird didn't see you"
Just then a teacher walked in and i was saved
I wake up gasping, just another stupid dream right, I look at my phone to see Noel name
How'd this guy get my number
Authors note: love you guys xoxo
i know this might be a bit weird for some of you but if you are suffering with ED i am here for you my lovies,so are other people and you want to try and get the help you want
the yorkshire therapist-07340 495652
usa helpline-1-800-662-4357
i hope you can recover,love you all so much, even if i dont know you.

our love
Romancea love sick story containing old best friends,new friends,blood sweat and tears jade thinks she knows her family and her old friend or does she ,as she moves into her new school she bumps into him ''princess is that you?''