chapter 1-discussing you

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Noel, so weird right after all these years hes back into my life, coincident right.

Well after the whole stressful day and mostly learning noel is in most of my classes,then learning Noel just transferred and not moves because his family decided to cut all connections with us because of something so secretive that im bound to get to the bottom of,one way or another.

im currently eating dinner with my parents, we're so quiet so i speak up

Jade:''i saw  noel again today''

my parents eyes widen


Jade:''yeah , whats wrong about it''

Mum:''no we're just surprised is all honey''

Dad:''we just haven't heard from them is all''

Jade:"oh okay,well im heading up to bed now''

i pour the rest of my untouched food in the bin then head upstairs and change 

then fall asleep.

all i could see and think was him,


authors note-i know i havent updated in a while but im back!

this is not much but be happy for me okay,because im being extra nice and writing 2 chapters out at 22:21 , at night , so be happy

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