
1.9K 62 46

(Your pain and suffering is over.)

It was bright.

Very bright.

Dazai's eyes slowly flickered open and adjusted to the light.

He looked at his surroundings and it was nothing like he had ever seen before. It was an entirely white room but when he looked closely, there was no actual end. The area went on forever.

Dazai looked at himself for a moment to see if this was real. After a brief second, he remembered what happened. In the quick moment of shock, his head jolted around.

"Chuuyaaaaa!" Dazai called out into the distance while frantically looking around.

"Dazai?" The faint but familiar voice was heard in the distance.

"Chuuya!" Dazai started running in the direction of the voice and soon saw a figure emerge from the light.

He started to slow down as he got closer to the figure that he could now tell was Chuuya. They looked at each other, and Dazai hesitantly stepped forward as he stared at Chuuya in disbelief.

"Ch- Chuuya?" He said to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

Chuuya, who was standing across from him started to quickly walk towards him as Dazai began doing the same. They soon met as Dazai opened his arms and wrapped them around Chuuya's waist.

Dazai lifted Chuuya off the ground as he spun around with him in his arms. In response, Chuuya gently held Dazai's face before leaning in quickly and kissing him. Dazai closed his eyes as he leaned into the kiss and enjoyed every moment of it.

For them, it felt like the kiss lasted forever and they didn't want it to end. As they pulled apart they looked at each other and admired one another.

"I love you, Chuuya," Dazai said as a small blush appeared on his cheeks.

"I love you too, Dazai," Chuuya said with tears forming in his eyes as he smiled.

Dazai had the biggest smile on his face as he set Chuuya gently back on the ground. Dazai reached out for Chuuya's hand and grabbed it as he glanced around.

"Where... are we?" Chuuya said trying to see the end of the white abyss.

"I have no idea."

As Dazai said that the white around them started getting brighter and brighter. Dazai tried covering his eyes but very quickly the white light was gone. Both of their eyes adjusted for a moment before looking at each other to make sure they were still there.

Chuuya then looked ahead and saw Dazai's house.

"This... is your house isn't it?"

Dazai looked at it for a moment as he finally realized what was happening.

"Nope." Chuuya looked at Dazai a bit confused, "It's our house." Dazai smiled sweetly.

Chuuya didn't know what to say as he slightly blushed and looked at the house.

"Come on, let's go home, Chuuya." Dazai walked toward the house before turning around and holding his hand out.

"I'd like that." Chuuya took Dazai's hand in his as they both walked into their house.

Everything inside was in its correct place, but as they looked around some more they both noticed that all of Chuuya's belongings that used to be in his apartment were now at the house.

They went into the bedroom, and the closet had both of their clothes, they went to the kitchen, and there lied Chuuya's knife, and lastly, they went to the garage, and there it was, Chuuya's motorcycle.

"I thought I lost you!" Chuuya's eyes lit up even more as he closely examined the bike, "This is amazing! How did any of this stuff even get here?"

Dazai looked slightly puzzled as he thought that Chuuya already knew what was happening.

"Chuuya? Do you remember what happened before we got here?"

"Uhm... the last thing I can recall was that white room we were just in. Why?" Chuuya tried recalling any recent events.

"Oh, nothing. Just wanted to know if I was the only person who forgot what happened..." Dazai lied. He remembered everything but he thought it best not to say anything.

"Well Chuuya, I guess we should get comfortable. Would you care to watch a movie with me?" Dazai started to walk toward the living room.

"Only if I get to pick the movie." Chuuya followed closely behind.

"You got it." Dazai chuckled.

They soon made it to the couch and sat down. Chuuya grabbed the remote and started looking through the movies, it didn't take long before he found the one he liked. Bullet Train.

"How did I predict that you would pick a movie like this?" Dazai said.

Chuuya laughed, "I'm not sure, but I'm gonna grab a snack real quick."

Chuuya got up and went to the kitchen where he opened the pantry and grabbed a bag of chips. He then went to the cupboard and reached for one of the glasses. He had almost grabbed it but before he did it started falling.

The glass hit Chuuya's head and then the ground before shattering into pieces.

"Are you okay?" Dazai made his way to the kitchen and to Chuuya.

Chuuya was silent for a moment before turning to face Dazai.

"My skill... it doesn't work? I tried to stop the glass from hitting me but... it didn't work." Chuuya said confused.

"Oh, that's strange..." Dazai had already made the assumption that skills wouldn't work, "But, does it really matter? I mean, you're still happy here, right? Even without your skill?" Dazai smiled reassuringly as he quickly cleaned up the broken glass and threw it away.

"Yes, of course... it just... caught me off guard I guess..." Dazai grabbed a glass and a bottle of wine.

"Were you wanting wine?"

"Yes, thank you." Chuuya smiled taking the glass.

"No problem, now, let's watch the movie."

The two of them went back to the couch, Chuuya ended up leaning on Dazai's shoulder with a fuzzy blanket covering them.

They both enjoyed the movie while eating the chips but something was still on Dazai's mind.

Why doesn't Chuuya remember anything? And why doesn't he remember dying like I do? His loss of memory is probably the reason why he doesn't realize where we are as well... Heaven.

I guess it's probably better this way, I don't want him to remember death. It's different for me, I've seen this coming for a long time...

(Wow, there it is, the true ending that we all wanted, even me. I'm so happy with how this story turned out and I appreciate all the love it's gotten! Thank you to everyone.)

(Also I just realized that Dazai still has no idea that Chuuya got tortured... also, we all know that they wouldn't be going to Heaven. But for the story's sake, they're in heaven.)


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