Chapter 8 - I'll See You Soon

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"Alright, get outa here. You're free to go." Said an officer opening Dazai's cell.

Once again, Dazai said nothing. He hung his head down and left. When he got on the streets he looked up, his eyes were red and puffy. He only stood there for a few moments when he then continued to his house.

He walked past friends happily chatting. He noticed kids smiling. He saw families bonding... he also saw couples walk down the street holding hands.

"I wish we could be like that," Dazai said so quietly that not even someone standing next to him would hear.


Kunikida sat in an office chair at the detective agency.

"Kunikida, Dazai's being let out of jail, right?" Atsushi appeared in front of him.

"Yes... he is," Kunikida replied, "I'm going to see him later in the afternoon."

Atsushi looked surprised, "C-can I come too?" He said, wanting to see Dazai.

"No, I'm afraid not. I wish to speak to him alone."

Atsushi nodded his head then walked away.

Kunikida was left to think. He thought about what he was going to say to Dazai when he saw him.


Dazai made it to his house. He walked inside, then without stopping to look at anything, he went into his room. He grabbed something and then went out the back door.

He slowly and sadly walked to the forest behind his house. He wanted to cry more but he had already cried all his tears.

Dazai had made it to a tree not far into the forest.

"I'll see you soon... Chuuya..."


"President, I have a favor to ask. May I leave early today?" Kunikida said bowing to the president of the agency.

"I understand Kunikida, you may leave whenever you see fit." He replied.

"Thank you, sir."

Kunikida politely left his office and then started to drive to Dazai's house.

Kunikida arrived quickly but noticed that something was off. Dazai's door was left wide open. He tried not to panic and then started to investigate the house to find no one. He grew concerned when he went to the backyard to find Dazai's 'Complete Guide to Suicide' book laying on the grass.

Kunikida knew that Dazai would never lose this book. He started to look around the yard and into the forest. At first, he saw nothing but after a little while, he saw a glimmer coming from the forest. Kunikida followed the glow, and when he got there he saw something horrifying...


"Breaking news, a detective's body was found in a forest behind his house. Authorities have claimed that he committed suicide by hanging himself from one of the branches of the tree. Now let's hear what the witness to this tragedy has to say." said a news reporter.

"I think I know why he did it, but I do not wish to say any more about that. Something odd I noticed though was that he was wearing a silver ring. I had never seen him wear it and I never knew he had a lover." Kunikida said in front of a camera.


Dazai never had a lover, but he did have two silver rings. He was going to give one of them to Chuuya, but his time came to an end earlier than it was supposed to. Now, Dazai's cold body hung from a tree.


Dazai was reunited with Chuuya.

(Heyo Kipi here, this is the conclusion to The End of the Road. I hope everyone who read it enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you again to those who read it and have a good rest of your day. )

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