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The first rays of dawn filtered through kalani's bedroom curtains, gently coaxing her awake on the morning

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The first rays of dawn filtered through kalani's bedroom curtains, gently coaxing her awake on the morning. Kalani brings the blanket over her face to get the morning sun out of her face when her alarm goes off. "Ugh, do I really have to get up already?" Kalani mumbles to herself as she shuts the alarm off. Suddenly her phones goes off causing her to see a text message from layla.

Layla: I'm waiting for you come on

Kalani then gets up and goes to the bathroom. She grabs her toothbrush and applies toothpaste, then starts brushing their teeth with a bit more energy. After brushing for about 2 minutes, kalani rinses her mouth and spits out the toothpaste. Kalani put her tooth brush away and lays out her outfit for today before getting in the shower.

After her shower she gets ready and comes down stairs to see her friend Layla and her mother. "Damn— I mean dang girl you took too long" layla says correcting herself after getting a motherly stare from kalanis mother. "You know I love my sleep" kalani responds back. "Yeah a little too much" Lisa mumbles. "Okay mom not too much" kalani says making everyone laugh. "Alright let's be out" Layla says walking towards the door. "Aight see ya mom" kalani says before leaving the house. "Have fun!" Lisa says to her daughter before she shut the door.

"I heard we got a new student today" Layla says getting into the car. "Really? Guy or girl?" Kalani asks with her eyebrow arched. "I heard it's a boy and he's cute" Layla says as they drove off. "You think everyone is cute" kalani mumbles rolling her eyes jokingly. "Not true there's a lot of guys at school I don't find cute." Layla defends herself. "Right. Okay." Kalani mumbles to herself.


"Salad bar, coffee cart. They serve Sushi on Fridays." Olivia says pointing at the different places on campus. Spencer gives her a weird expression when she mentions sushi on fridays. "Sushi on Friday? At Crenshaw, we get Sushi on Monday, that's all." Spencer says with a smile as they walk. "Smart and funny. I'm impressed." Olivia jokes. Before Spencer could say anything else something or rather someone caught his eye. She was wearing a white tank top, black tights and a jacket. She hair was laying beautifully down her back. She was walking with a very known student named Layla. "Kalani Finnie. Majorette captain. Beverly's best dancer and a straight A student. She's also my best friend. Her father is also a big actor while her mother is a psychiatrist. Next to her is Layla Keating. Beverly Hills' resident sweetheart. Dad's some big-time record producer. And I heard they spend every Thanksgiving with the Obamas. And rumor has it, she even smoked pot with Malia last year." Olivia informs Spencer as they both watch the girls walk away. Jordan who is the brother of Olivia walks up to the duo. "You must be Spencer. Jordan Baker. QB. Team captain." Jordan introduces himself. "Barker?" Spencer questions but then realizes. "Oh, so you must be..." Spencer says but gets cut off by jordan.

"Yeah, Coach is my dad. Well, our dad. I'll take it from here, Olivia. Come on, let me introduce you to the team." Jordan says putting his arm over Spencer's shoulder. "Hey, thanks for the tour. " Spencer says. "Yeah" Olivia responds back. "Sushi on Friday?" Spencer asks with a smile. "It's a date." Olivia says with a smile as they walk away. "It's a date?" Olivia mumbles to herself with disbelief.


"There he is" Layla says secretly pointing at the two guys walking over. "OK. Meet the crew. This is Hadley, Layla, kalani and up top, Lucy, JJ, and Asher." Jordan says introducing everyone as Spencer shakes their hands. "Hey, what's up? Spencer." Spencer says introducing himself as well. "Hey. I think you and Asher play the same position." JJ says making Asher look over at him. "Oh, receiver, huh?" Spencer says sitting next to kalani. "Yeah, broke the school record for receptions last season." Asher says. "Me too" Spencer says back. Layla then nudges kalani to say something. "Uh So how are you liking Beverly so far?" Kalani questions making Spencer's eyes drop to her. "It's OK, I guess." Spencer answers. "I know it probably feels like Lost footage or rich kids from Instagram" Layla says earning a jealous face from her boyfriend. "but it's not so bad once you give it a chance." Kalani adds in. "I'm sure it'll grow on me." Spencer says giving her a smile. "I'm sure it will" kalani says giving him a small smile. "Hey, so lay it on me. Crips or Bloods?" Asher asks before taking a sip of his drink. Spencer narrows his eyes and tilts his head in confusion. "Excuse me?" Spencer says. "I'm dying to check out a Crip walk for real. I've only seen one on YouTube." Asher says teasingly. "Asher what the hell?" Kalani says making Asher roll his eyes. "Yo, yo, he's just joking, man. Ignore him." Jordan says trying to dismiss the "joke". "Asher, you wouldn't know a Crip walk if it bit you in your white, unseasoned ass." Kalani says making some people chuckle. "That didn't sound like a joke to me, bro." Spencer says changing his position to look at Asher. It got silent quickly, "Don't be so sensitive." Asher says looking around at the group. "Sensitive? Hey, yo, thanks for the welcome." Spencer says getting up and taking his things before leaving. "Asher" Layla scolds. "What? I was making conversation." Asher says trying to defend himself.

"Actually Asher you were being an asshole." Kalani says getting up and leaving. "Good job dumbass." Layla says hitting her boyfriend. Kalani walks over to where Spencer is and sits on the opposite side of him. "Hey. Um, I'm sorry about Asher. He can be a real ass sometimes but he's not that bad. He can be pretty cool at times." Kalani says with a tight lipped smile. "Is that right?" Spencer asks resulting in a head nod from kalani. "I think he's intimidated by you. I think they all are." Kalani expresses looking back at the group. "Those guys? With all their Yeezys and man jewelry?" Spencer says causing them to both start laughing. "They got it made. Me, I had to catch 3 buses to get here today." Spencer says before leaning in to whisper. "And I've been wearing my cousin Ray's hand-me-downs since I was born. And you know ray loves him some polyester. OK, don't nobody like polyester."

"OK, but aren't you some like crazy good football player?" Kalani asks with a chuckle. "I do all right. You just got to see the field. Right there, that guy." Spencer says pointing at a guy walking by with his lunch tray in his hand. "Gait's off, loose hands. Yo, yo, he about to fall." Spencer says and a second later it happens. Kalani looks at him in amazement. "Oh! How did you do that?" Kalani asks. "Happened the first time I picked up a ball. It was just a twitch of the fingers, a look, a tick." Spencer utters. "Okay Mr. profiler. do me." Kalani says making Spencer arch his brow. "I mean, read me...your not slick" Kalani says as they both chuckle. "You're like a defensive back." Spencer says looking at her in the eyes. "A defensive back? Gee, thanks." Kalani says teasingly. "I just mean you're confident, smart,beautiful. You like attention. You like to call the plays. That's not the most interesting thing about you. I saw it the minute you crossed the yard. You're lonely. Defensive backs, they like to play on an island, always by themselves." Spencer says as they continue to look into eachother eyes. "Wow. I think you pretty much summed it all up. Except the part of liking attention. I'm actually the opposite." Kalani admits.

Meanwhile layla is with the group watching Spencer and kalani. "Wow new boy and our majorette captain." Jordan says mean mugging the two. "They are so cute together" layla says fangirling. "I thought you wanted me and kalani together" jj says looking at Layla. "I did until he came around." Layla answers looking at the potential couple. Jordan looks at Layla up and down and then looks back at the couple.

Going back to the potential couple. " I ain't always right, so." Spencer says shrugging. "Well other than that you are right on track." Kalani says. "Kay come on" layla shouts making them look at her. "I should get to class. But I'm glad you came to Beverly." Kalani says getting up. "Me too" Spencer replies back.

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