Chapter 2

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For some backstory Logan and I were not friends. We had mutual friends, however we rarely interacted with each other. Remember when I said I was always focused on school and never had time for a social life, yeah well that applied in high school too. Just because I was focused on academics doesn't mean I wasn't into anyone, like c'mon I was a teen like everyone else. Yet here's the thing: there was never a chance for me to be with him in high school. We were two different people, he was always into engineering and sports while I was always into science and work, he had a social life, and I did not. I distinctly remember not telling anyone about my slight attraction, because not only was I not sure if Logan was gay or bi or even attracted to men, but I didn't know if I wanted to date him. At the time my 17 year old self was content with that choice, but now, after seeing him like this I couldn't help my thoughts.
"So, Dr. Paloma, is Dillon going to be alright?" His voice is raspy and nervous. "Yes from what I can see in his chart his injuries were thankfully minor, and the intubation tube shouldn't scare you, he just needed some extra help breathing since the trauma to the area was sudden." "Oh that's wonderful" "Do you two work together?" I wasn't going to leave this without getting some information. "Actually Dr. Paloma-" "You can call me Gabriel if it's casual." He smiles "Okay. Well Gabriel, he actually works for me. I just wanted to see how he was doing, I can't work straight when I hear one of my employees gets injured." I could feel my eyes twinkle as he said that. There is something so attractive about compassion in a man, so sad that only a few display it openly. "It says a lot about you coming to check on an employee." "It's the very least I could do, I mean he was injured on work time and doing work duties. My heart would just break if anything major happened to him. Like he has a family and kids." His curly waves are covering his forehead sweat. His caring nature radiates through his eyes. "Well Logan you won't have to worry, he's on track for a smooth recovery and honestly could get back to work within a week. I just want to monitor him for at least two days, since we had to intubate. I want to be certain he can breathe on his own." "That's awesome. No surgery required." "Well I didn't say that. I don't want to make any promises since I have not had the proper test done. Right now I want to let him rest before I proceed with anything." "I understand, I know you have a busy schedule so it means a lot to me that you're taking time to see him and comfor- I mean reassure me." That simple change in words. Comfort. I'm overthinking it. "Of course."
"Dillon will most likely have a new doctor in the morning, someone more knowledgeable on general cases." "Oh-" he responded disappointed "Are you concerned? Your employee will be treated by an excellent doctor, even if it's not me." "No, no I promise it's not that. I just trust you more than I would another doctor. I know this isn't your specialty-" "I am a surgeon Logan, not a general physician, but I will do my best to continue checking on him and treating him." "Thank you Dr. Paloma." He smiles wide, finally looking relaxed since I have been here. "Ok if you don't have any more questions, visiting hours are over." "Already?" "Already." As much of a delight it was to see an attractive familiar face, I've been in surgery the whole day and just want to lay in bed. "You should get home to your wife" I say as I attempt to exit the room. "No wife, no kids. I am single Gabriel." I stop in the doorway. He continues "I just haven't found the right one yet." He's now in front of me as I gently close the door behind us. "I thought you were with Hannah?" "No, we ended things after she pursued her work. Plus I want to keep my options open." He says with a wink and a smile. Maybe it's the fact that I have been on my feet for over 10 hours in intense surgery, or maybe it is the hospital lighting, but he can't be flirting with me while I have massive eye bags and stained scrubs on. "Are you off right now Gabriel?" Oh no, I don't know where he is going with this, or why he is following me still. "Yeah I am." "You want to grab a drink and some wings with me? M-my treat of course." A man that is basically a total stranger to me just invited me to dinner, at 8 pm after my 16 hour shift filled with surgery. "As long as you drive and drop me off back here you got a deal." His smile grew wide as he removed his vest. "Well then right this way" He extends his arm towards the direction of his car. I don't have any high expectations, I don't even know what this man does for a living, just that he has employees and that his idea of fun is wings and drinks.
After a quiet walk for about 3 minutes I hear a faint unlock sound in the distance. It wasn't a sound I was familiar with. As we get closer beaming LED headlights come from a black sedan with a mercedes emblem. "What? Didn't think I drove this?" I stay shocked and smiling, not that money plays a part of my choice, but I would much rather sit in a Mercedes right now than a Honda. "No, I just didn't know construction paid that well." "Well Dr. Paloma, as far as I know it doesn't, but good thing I am an architect." He says as he pushes his hair out of his face.
It was a quiet drive there, he played light pop which is something I enjoyed. Out of all things to happen I never expected to be heading to a wing bar with a "loose" highschool friend. I wasn't exactly sure how to be feeling right now, I didn't have anywhere to be in the morning since it was my only day off of the week, but a part of me wasn't scared to spend a night with Logan. He made me feel safe for some reason. Maybe it was the way his one handed driving made the vein on his right hand pop into my face, or the way his pearly white teeth are almost brighter than the headlights on his mercedes. All of this and the odd attraction I have to his compassion and construction vest is abnormal to me, not only that but the way he didn't mind me in dirty scrubs was also a turn on. Then again this is purely casual, as far as I know.
He pulls up to a run down bar, which honestly almost looks like a strip club in disguise. "Alright this is it" His rasp made it hard to understand. "Does this place have a name?" "Not exactly..." He says "... but I wouldn't take you anywhere I didn't trust." My heart dropped when he said that, and even more so when his hands grazed my thigh as he went to unbuckle me. "Wait, I'll get the door for you." He hops out of the car and runs to the other side before I can even grab the handle. He opens the door and grabs my hand to help me out, since his car was pretty low. He seems nervous, hands shaking and awkward smiles now. Almost like his confidence has faded, which is very unlike the Logan I know. "Also Gabriel, before we go in whenever you're ready to go just tell me. I know you had a long day, I'm just thankful you wanted to hang out with me." I nod with a smile knowing he will be a distraction, and one thing top surgeons don't need, is distractions.

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