'Come back to bed'

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When it was already 8 a.m., you told your best friend that you would see her at 8:45 for some time together. As you saw your coffee being put into your cup, you sighed. You were distracted by the creak of the door, and when you looked back, a very sleepy-looking Mason was waiting for you.

You giggled at the sight and then returned your focus to the coffee as your significant other approached you. His head sat in the crook of your neck as his arms wrapped around your body securely.You said, "I'm sorry if I woke you up," comforted by his scent.In his morning voice, he urged, "Come back to bed."

You ignored his requests and replied with a quiet laugh. But before you could grab your cup of coffee Mason quickly grabbed it away from the machine, and lifted the cup higher out of your grasp as you attempted to take it.

"Mase, stop being such a baby, give me. I'm running behind schedule to see-"

When he put his lips on yours to silence you, you couldn't help but smile as you accepted the kiss. Since you were aware of how much he enjoyed it, you seized the chance to bite his lower lip. As you anticipated, he dropped his arm, allowing you a chance to get back your cup.You kissed him again and released him before saying "Thank you very much" and sipping your hot coffee.When you took a step towards the door to flee, Mason immediately encircled your shoulders and stopped you. You knew that you weren't going to leave the house anytime soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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