CH 22- A Final Fight (season 1 end)

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*Izuku's pov*

Last time-

Light spills into the void and the realm shatters. I stand now, in front of a host of villains. Several of my classmates lay on the ground injured. Tsu nurses a long gash along her arm.

"Well then, time to end this."


Light swims beyond my eyes. I hear muffled sounds around me. It is like I am underwater. I slowly begin to surface. I jolt upright and stretch out my arm trying to grasp something that is not there.

"KOTA!" I shout desperately.

I groan and clutch at my head. I feel nauseous. My whole body screams in pain at even the simplest movements. My head is swimming. I fall back on my pillow and look around. I am hooked up to an IV machine. I am adorned in a hospital gown. The harsh and glaring fluorescent lights seem to sear my retinas. Slowly, everything comes back to me.


I stand in front of the villains in my new form. The muscular girl smirks and lets out a roar of challenge. She throws herself at me. I catch her punch and slam my foot into her stomach. Her body curls around my foot and she is forced backwards. She is huffing and grinning. She turns to the side. Before I can attack her blue flames sear my back. I groan and grab the hand behind me. A chick with burn scars that are barely held together is wrenched off her feet as I slam her over my shoulder and into the ground. She gasps in pain before turning into goop. A girl with messy buns sprints at me.

"HI IZUKU! My name is Toga! You would be so much cuter if you just bleed a little!" she shouts.

She tries to impale me with a knife but the blade shatters when it makes contact with my skin. I grab her wrist and fling her into a tree. The muscular girl shouts at another girl off to the side in a full body jumpsuit.


Suddenly there are dozens of the muscular girl charging at me. At this I smirk. I race forward and punch straight through them all. I feel awake and alive.

'This transformation feels incredible.'

I easily dispatch all of the muscular girls and throttle the real one. I grab her neck and choke slam her into the ground. Her eyes roll to the back of her head. The girl named Twice is knocked unconscious from my earlier attacks. Toga is dragging some of the other unconscious members away and she smiles at me. Before I can do anything a hand shoots out of my peripheral vision. I try to dodge it but it is not aiming at me. It touches my aura and I am back in my base form. A golden pearl appears in the masked woman's hand.

I try to transform but I feel immense pain. My ki is all but gone. Any I gain is instantly whisked away into the pearl. I was using ki to surround my limbs and make movement easier but now my muscles contort and contract. I groan in pain. I slump to the ground and even that movement is painful. The masked girl turns to Toga.

"Finish him."

Toga runs at me with a new knife in hand. She has a wicked grin on her face as she approaches. She is lunging forward about to plunge the knife into my chest before someone leaps in front of the blade. The smell of blood fills the air as Kyoka is stabbed in the side. Toga jumps back and Kyoka slumps to the ground. Just then the chick with scars appears out of the treeline. She grabs a fallen pearl from the ground and smirks.

"Goodbye heroes!" She shouts.

As she does, a purple mist appears behind them all to take them away. Just before they disappear, the pearl she grabbed breaks open, revealing a very frightened Kota. Just as they disappear, I pass out.

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