As simple as a kiss

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Ross' P.O.V.
It's been weeks and we still haven't found Riker and Janelle. I've been such a mess knowing they're gone! I had went by to where the brooks brothers live but no one was their and that honestly ticked me off even more like honestly I'm about to kill a bitch. I'm going to school today to try and find those fuckers! I swear to god I will have no mercy when I find them, they're as good as dead. If I can't find that son of a bitch you better believe I'd spend the rest of my life hunting them
Janelle's p.o.v
Over these past weeks I've grown to like Riker, from the information I gathered from him
I am supposedly completely in love with blondie and vise versa. I'm taking his word for it cause...well he really hasn't given me a reason not to trust him. I really can't believe that I took Luke's word when he said what they supposedly did! Like seriously what the hell! I beat myself Over it and keep apologizing to Riker but I think he's starting to get annoyed by it.
So I guess I'll catch you up on what
Has been going on.
First things first (A/n: I'm the realist😂) we have not left this room at all! Occasionally one of them would come bring us food once a day but the portion was like for one person so me and Riker would split it. They've been torturing both me and Riker , if Riker wasn't here i don't know if I'd be as calm as I am now. But I will tell you that I mentally can't take this anymore.
I looked over to Riker who's face had some cuts and bruises all over his body, some dry blood here and there . Me I probably looked worse than him because of the fact I stand up to them which just causes me to get beaten more. Riker has tried to get them to stop but he can't do anything for the fact we're both chained up.
I picked my head up at the sound of the door opening to see satan himself walk through. " So how are your days goin?" Luke says in such a cheerful way that I wanted to beat that fucking smile off his damn face. "Go fuck yourself" I growl at him, "oh someone's feisty today." 
"You need to clean up before we take you to school janelle you look awful" I wanted to yell at him for just being here and saying that but at the same time I was curious as to the school part. " what do you mean take me to school?" He just looked at me with that face that said 'really' .
"Well I'll guess I have to explain then. We decided to take you to school so people won't get the idea you're missing, to basically throw off the cops I guess. But we're not just gonna let you go, we're going to clip this little bracelet on you" he takes out a black looking bracelet putting it on my wrist " and the thing about this bracelet is that you can't take it out without my finger print. And yes to answer you're question it's a high tech thingy it lets us know where you are and listen to your conversations. If you tell a soul about this or to help you or anything or if you even try to escape" he slowly begins walking toward me "I will not hesitate to kill you or Riker " he stood up quite quickly "alright so come with me " he said as he dragged me out "Riker?" I say dragging out his name. He just tried to get out the chains but failed as the doors closed.
I took a deep breath as I looked at the school from the car should I just tell the first adult I see? No they won't believe me for the fact I'm here. For fucking Christ! But there was something on the news no? About me missing? I was snapped out of my thoughts as I felt a hard slap to my cheek "for fuck sake I'm talking to you!" I turn to him "what now?" He looks me dead in the eye "if someone realizes that there was a search for you, you better come up with a good excuse " I nod my head not wanting to be near him. "One more thing" and in the blink of an eye his lips were on mine and I panicked and punched the shit outta him while trying to pull away until he took hold of my hands and pulled apart , he glared daggers in my eyes "did you just hit me?!" I froze fuck  "watch when you're out of there you're gonna wish you were dead" he shoved me out the car making me stumble on my feet. In case you're wondering no my cuts and bruises are not visible. They had me cover them up I guess they were planning this for a while cause they had make to cover up
I slowly made my way to my locker trying my hardest not to be seen
*time lap *
It was now lunch, questions is what has consumed every conversation through out the day. I just wanted to scream and tell someone but I couldn't. My excuse about the search was that they found me a while back and they probably missed the news or something.. Most people bought it.
Anyway I'm making my way out the cafeteria towards the field cause right now I just wanted to go home and cry but I couldn't go home so might as well cry.
I was about to sit down when "janelle?" I turned my head and froze when I spot the person that voice belonged to Ross . I quickly tried to get out of there when and arm pulled at my wrist and soon I was face to face with blondie.
He looked like he hasn't slept in years, his hair was all over the place like he's been tugging on it and his eyes were red. He then bombed me with questions "why are you here?" "Did they let you go?" "Where's Riker?" "Where are those fuckers!?" I just stood there not knowing what to say. And when I spoke I stuttered fuckin janelle "um I-i go here, y-yeah they did, I-I d-don't k-know," I was fighting the tears to escape but one did and I quickly wiped it "you're Lieing" he says calmly. "Hey" hey said stepping closer to me which caused me to scoot back out of reflex. " I-I don't know you " I looked up and saw hurt in his eyes and felt bad. I mean I remember some things of him and me, does that count? "Please tell me I want to help" I looked up at him my eyes watering "I can't " my voice cracked. I looked down staring at the bracelet more like the metal hugging my wrist his eyes followed mine and asked "what's that?" Pointing to the  bracelet "n-n-nothing " I pulled my sleeve down." I looked back up to see his face look like he was trying to figure this out. Then in one swift movement he picked me up over his shoulder and ran.
Ross' P.o.v
I was walking around the field since I have checked the rest of the school when I spot a cute little brunette about to sit down it can't be "janelle?" My mouth faster than my brain. She looked up and I ran toward her as she was trying to leave. I kept asking her questions, confused as to why and how she is here. As she explained I knew she was Lieing . I know her to well. I asked her about her bracelet and I tried to figure out everything as I stared at it. Then it hit me and I took her to an empty classroom putting a piece of paper in front of her and wrote down 'lets talk through paper' and her face became so light and relieved it made me smile. So since that bracelet is all technicy does that mean she can't speak or something idk I'm still confused I wrote down on the paper 'can you explain to me?' She nodded and wrote down 'they're having me come to school to somehow throw off the police and people won't think I'm missing' I had a confused expression on my face that's stupid...actually ? I grabbed the pencil and wrote down 'what's the bracelet?' She took the pencil from me and wrote 'it's something they got so they know I won't tell anyone or leave.. It's a tracker and listens in on my conversations. Luke said if I tell anybody or try to escape he won't hesitate on killing me and Riker' ok that pissed me off! He's so getting a beating when I find him 'have any of them touched you' I say her face sadden as she wrote 'rather not say' ok that was it! I stood up shoving the paper in my pocket along with the pencil and dragged her to the unisex bathroom , once inside I looked it and sat her on the counter. I took a paper towel and wet it as I instructed her to take her shirt off (letting her know I won't do anything of course) I started wiping the paper towel on her face and upper body and so many bruises and scabs/open cuts were becoming visible and now my anger was boiling inside of me.
Janelle' P.o.v (sorry it's going back and forth)
Ross looked so angry it kind of frightened me. You could tell he wanted to say so much but because of the stupid bracelet he couldn't. After a while of him angrily pacing he started to briskly walk toward me saying "I'm sorry I really need this" before smashing his lips onto mine. A burst of sparks exploded inside my stomach an image popping into my mind
"it's just..I love you baby and it kills me to see you in this state but you won't tell me what's wrong and it gets me upset that I'm not able to help you when that's all I want right now"he turns around in my arms so he's facing me. "like I get it hurts but you can trust me baby and you know that."I lean my head in and place a kiss on his lips; him moving his hands to my hips "I love you" he mumbles in the kiss, which makes me smile."
*end of flashback*
I pull away realizing what just happened was that a memory? I snapped out of it by Ross "janelle I'm so sorry I just really ne-" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his as more was coming back to me did it really just take a kiss for me to remember? That's bull
Our lips were moving in perfect sync. My butterflies were growing and it felt amazing. I deepened the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck slowly tugging and rubbing my hands through his hair. A soft moan escaping his lips, his hands moving to my waist pulling himself closer between my legs with his grip tightening.
We pulled away and I closed my eyes as so much was flooding my brain making it ache. I let out a sigh as a smile spread on my face while I opened them looking at a blushed Ross

"All it took was a kiss" the excitement he showed was heart warming
A/n: I'm a lazy person and I'm sorry that I haven't updated .... No one really comments on my story so I think you guys just really don't care whether I update or not. I apologize I haven't update in like forever but I hope this chapter was good (I don't feel like I did a good job) but yea I guess I'll start doin that thing writes do
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For another update
Bye loves 😘

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