The Scary Blonde Boy

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Janelle's p.o.v.

The Blondie broke into tears. "Y-you don't know who I a-am?" I shook my head in a 'no' motion. I was confused out of my mind "should I?" I question him. in that moment he ran out the room to God knows where.

A doctor had came into my room "hi Miss Ortiz glad to know your up" he looked up and gave me a smile. wow he had nice eyes "so i was told that something may be up with your memory so I'm going to ask you just a couple questions alright" I nod telling him I was OK with it.

About 20 questions later He left the room and I was left alone.

Ross' P.o.v

I ran, as soon as I was out the room I collapsed on the floor bringing my knees up to my chest letting all the tears come out. she can't have memory lost..she can't

I just sat there my heart completely broken. I didn't want to feel the pain, It hurt to much. how could she forget me?! I was so fustrated and broken I couldn't think straight. OK Ross you need to calm yourself it's not like she died,  just got to keep looking at the Bright side.

my tears had stopped and no all was heard was my sniffles.

I felt a hand on my should, I looked York to my family and Janelle's sister standing there with sad eyes "Ross why are you crying.. I-Is she" Evelyn stuttered. I shook my head no.  "she's awake but she.. she lost H-her memory" "she doesn't remember you does she?" Rydel asks. I nod as she comes to sit by me rubbing my back saying soothing words to me.  I looked up as I heard the door open to see a doctor walking out "you all here for Janelle Ortiz?" riker answered with a 'yeah'.

The doctor looked at his notes "seems as if Janelle has her memory the only thing she doesn't remember is how she got here and any events that involved Ross and my guess is his siblings as well" that hurt.. she remembers everything but Us?  "is that even possible?"gabby asks. "it actually is, Janelle has some head injures but seems as she had a bit to much impact on one part of her brain which is probably where the worried of this man were" as he finished that sentence he had pointed to me.

Rydel's p.o.v (ohh didn't see that coming)

I kind of felt bad for Ross I mean he's been nothing but good to Janelle, he doesn't deserve any of this. we have no control of what she remembers and if I were I would have her forget everything but Ross instead. poor Ross looked absolutely crushed. did something happen before this happened? it would make sense why he's been the way he's been lately.

The doctor told us we were able to go in if we please so all of us went in to see if she remembers us.

I took hold of Ross' hand reassuring him that it'll be alright.

as soon as we entered Janelle looked up with a smile on her face. "Hey guys!" I looked at Riker, he seemed just as confused as me "you know who we are?" he questions. "of course how could I forget my lynches " I jumped as I heard Ross finally burst "really! you remember my siblings! what the fuck Janelle!! how can you Remember them but not ME!" Ross honestly looked pissed "Ross calm down" I say trying to calm the boy before he sacred the poor girl. "HOW CAN I CALM DOWN WHEN MY GIRLFRIEND REMEMBERS EVERYTHING BUT ME!" and with that he stormed out the room. I sighed as I looked back to see Janelle looking frightened "Don't worry about him he just needs to let off steam" rocky says.

Janelle's p.o.v

that blonde boy kind of scares me. The way he looks mad honestly terrified me he looked as if he wanted to fvck someone up. I guess rocky noticed cause he told me not to worry about it,  one thing still bothered me though. "was he serious? am I his girlfriend?" why would I even want to be his girlfriend? he scared me! he seemed like a total psychopath and like he couldn't control his anger. like seriously why would I even get with him?!

it would be best if I just stayed away from him.

A/n: there you guys go. sorry I was planning on doing it longer but I thought I should end it like this muahahahaha.  so Janelle's going to start avoiding Ross  what do you think will happen?

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