chapter 35

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I woke up at 7 am, Bright eyed. I put my hands to my face and rubbed my eyes, rubbing the rest of my face with the realization of what's happening today. My tit was still sore , but it was tolerable. 

I sat up on my bed hoping and praying colby slept in , I didn't need him foiling the plan and getting hurt. The tit thing was a back up, just incase .  I got out of bed and started to make my self some coffee and order in some breakfast.

I ordered in my favorite just incase I might.... no focus your gonna be fine . I eat me meal ,just going over the some what plan in my head .

I put my garbage in the trash and clean up . I go over to my pack and grab some black jeans shorts , a black spaghetti tank top , a black belt with silver jems on it. I put on colbys ring he gave me on my wedding ring finger. I put my hand up and kiss it gently letting a tear fall. 

" remember colby " i whisper . I head over to the shower and start to get ready. I took one of the longest showers ever and finally got out. I put some cream in my hair and tie it up in a ponytail. I don't do my makeup, I can't. I can barely focus. 

I look at the time it's about 3 in the afternoon . phone isn't with me because if he saw it, it would get smashed. I went with plan b because  Anything can happen . Always be 10 steps ahead.

I just grab my guns , one in my waist band and one in my boot, That's all I'll need . I leave everything else behind. I take one last look in the mirror. I am probly making the biggest mistake of my life but I need to protect him .

I head out and start to drive. It's about an hour and a half drive cuz the ball room was in Vegas. The drive felt like forever , by the time I pulled up , the worst memories of my life popped up.

I slowly walked toward this dreadful building.  I place my hand on my gun . " here goes fucking nothing. " I mumble to myself opening the doors slowly. It was empty. I call bullshit. I pull out my gun and scope the room.

I made my way to the ballroom floor where me and colby danced. all of a sudden a video showed up on the wall on stage.

" if I can't have you Noone can " glitching that sentence overand over again. the masks . Those stupid fucking masks . I start to hyperventilate knowing that my understanding of who it might be is correct.

" FUCKING SHOW YOURSELF YOU COWARD. " I shout . Looking in every direction. I still see nothing .I shot once in a couple different directions hoping to scare them out.

" oh roxy don't need to waste all that ammo, I'll come out. " it was a fucking voice changer . Like the one they used in scream . Pathetic.

I saw someone come out from the shadows,  they where wearing a black ski mask but his tall figure gave him away . " so you actually came. " he said in the voice changer. I pointed my gun at him. " I KNOW ITS YOU , TAKE OFF THE FUCKING MASK NOW YOU COWARD. " I shout at him.

He puts down the voice changer, and pulls off his mask. I take 2 steps back. " savage. Your supposed be dead. " i growl at him .

He jumped off stage , and started to make his way over to me. " you see, yes I did get shot, but he shot my in the shoulder , ABOVE my heart. I made sure to roll onto my stomach and just stay as still as I could . I was bleeding , alot so I could see why he thought I was dead. Once you all left I got up and left . I made a few calls and well they took me in . Patched me up . Then stayed in hiding waiting for the perfect opportunity for revenge. " he said smirking at me .

" he doesn't know does he . "  I pause . How the fuck does he know . " how do you know . " I snarl at him . " I've been following you for about a week. Looks like you let your guard down.  "

" What do you want.  I did what you asked I CAME HERE ALONE . GET TO THE PITCH " I shout getting impatient.  I wanna at least know what he wants.

" oh that's easy , I want you. Till death do we part " he smirked as i heard footsteps behind me . I turn and shoot one in the leg slowing him down.

He shouts as he hits the ground but i wasn't fast enough, getting tackled by the other guy. he wound back and clocked me right inthe face. He just kept on punching me till my face was busted open.

"Didn't you mom ever tell you it's not OK to hit women . " I say bringing my knee up and getting right in the balls. He leaned back in pain as ran the other way. " GET HER YOU MORONS. " shit there's more footsteps.  To many to make out.

I go behind stage pulling out my last gun.  I hide behind a beam , hearing shots being fired my way. Fucking Amateurs.

" come out you little bitch . " I heard one of them say . " OK " I say turning the corner and pointing athis head shooting him and 2 others befor the other guys could process.

They are still hauling ass on there guns how much ammo these pricks got. Click click click is all I hear after about 30 seconds of gun fire. I turn the corner and shot 2 more right in the head. Click click . " SHIT " I shout coming put from behind the beam .

I pull out my bowie knife . " hi I'm chucky wanna play " I say with a smirk . " oh your sexy . " he smirked. Trying to grab me . I jumped back ." and taken " I said swinging at him hitting him right in the jugular.

Blood splattering all over my face . He falls limp . There's about 3 more guys so I start running and they chase me . I run up these stairs and end up on on of those metal platforms backing up slowly. " 3 against one that's a little unfair. " I say out of breathe. " tired already , your gonna need your energy for what im about to do to you . " he licked his lips and tackled me. I stabbed him in the stomach as the other 2 guys tried to grab me and pin me down.

One had his arms wrapped around my legs and the other guy was ontop off me . Think quick . I take my free leg and kick the guy right in the face breaking his nose. I swing my head back and with full force head butt the guy ontop of me . He stumbles back leaving me free to wiggle out . I take my knife and stab the guy underneath me right In the forehead. I get up and book it the stairs.  When I got down i had looked back to see if the other guys where chasing me they weren't , but once my head spun back around I was met with a gun . All I saw was black.

I woke up after it seemed like forever.  " glad your awake baby " he said walking over and kissing my face . I bite him so hard I took a chuck out of his lips . I spit it o the ground. " OW FUCK YOU YOU STUPID BITCH " he shouted punching me in the face.

I tried to hit him back put I couldn't move . I was tied up to a chair . " shit" I mumble to myself.  I've finally met my end. And I never got to tell him... " stop moping , were gonna make a little video . An untrackable video " he said proping up the camera in a darkroom with 1 light .

" you'll never, get a.. away with this " I say spitting blood out of my mouth. " I already have . "

He presses record. " oh hey there colby and loved ones. I told you once and I'll tell you again ,if I can't have her , Noone can . Your precious girl is mine, finally. " he said moving out of the camera revealing me. He walked over to me slowly,  he started caressing my cheek i pulled back . " COLBY REMEMBER WHAT I TOLD YOU " i shout to the camera.  savage punched me multiple times in the face . I was starting to become unrecognizable. He squished my face and kissed me. I literally puked.  In his mouth. " EW WTF " he screamed . I smirked. He wiped of his face and went to the camera

" I took more then you think colby" he smirked. " goodbye . This is the last time you will see her " he finished and shut off the camera.

"Let's go " he said , he untied and pulled my limp body over his shoulder and carried me out. He had the phone In his hand sending the unedited video to colby. thank God.  There's your mistake . Your done for .

A/n longer chapters are nice 🤭

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