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Let's start
Kk make her sit on the bed and gives and gives her a water bottle
Teju: I am not not thirsty I don't want 😭
Kk: teju stop crying and please drink water u feel better
Teju: I don't need
Kk: please teju
Teju don't said anything and takes the water bottle and drinks it
Kk: good girl
Teju: I am not capable for anyone
Kk: teju don't blame yourself stop it
Teju: u getting pissed off
Kk: no u making me pissed off
Teju: I know I am irritating and she looks down
Kk: why u think like this hmm
Teju: I think I dont deserve anybody's love
Kk: u deserve everything
Teju: I don't feel I give love I don't get back
Kk: stop hurting and blaming yourself u are not wrong they are wrong who used u
Teju hugged him
Teju: u are best doctor
Kk kept a hand no her head and said always
Teju came on her senses and break
Teju: I am sorry
Kk: why I am not your friend
Teju: u are
Kk: can I ask u one question
Teju: yes
Kk: where is your family
Teju: I don't know anyone I lived in women orphan
Kk: who is your guardian
Teju: I was in orphan and from there I take education they help us
Kk: In which field
Teju: i was working on MBA
Kk: so why u don't did
Teju: I was in love and
Kk: don't say anything I got it u will say anything
Teju: I don't want anything
Kk: no u get everything in your life which u deserves
Teju: I don't know what to do
Kk: I tell u everything got it
Teju: hmm
Kk: good girl now let's go let's take  fresh air
Teju: me
Kk: no I am saying to the nurse let's go
Nurse: sir
Teju: ??
Kk: what u are thinking obviously it's u
Teju: teju nodded and said no
Kk: why
Teju: I don't want
Kk: stop it Teja I am your doctor u are not I tell u what to do or not
Teju: u are scolding
Kk: u are making me to do this
Teju start crying 😭
Kk: ok ok bacha sorry stop crying
Teju: ok I will do
Kk: that's my girl
Nurse: hmm
Kk: I..i..i mean good girl
Nurse: ok
Kk: let's take her out
Nurse: ok sir
Teju: why u are not coming
Kk: I am a doctor I have to check everyone u go with the nurse, nurse
Nurse: yes sir
Kk: bring the wheelchair and take her for an outing
Nurse: ok sir
Teju: no
Kk: now what
Teju: I don't want to go with her or with anyone
Kk: why
Teju: I only go with u I don't trust them they hate me I know that
Nurse: Mam why we hate u
Teju: because I am irritating I know that u come
Kk: nothing like that I am lil busy
Teju: when u will free we will go I will go with u only please please
Kk: ok ok but the nurse will stay here with u
Teju hold his hand and kept the head and said
Teju: if she said anything
Kk: she will not say anything hmm
Teju: look at her she is angry with me
Kk: why she will angry with u hmm u don't worry
Teju: hmm
Kk: good girl I am coming nurse u stay here ok
Nurse: yes sir
Kk: make sure that no complains
Nurse: yes sir
Kk: teju I am coming ok
Teju: hmm
And he left

Hope you guys like give me love ❤️ I am lil busy sorry but I try to give updates❤️

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