Episode 22

587 49 3

Let's start
Teju: what is this what kind of it is
In between ok came
Kk: what are u doing
Teju gets scared and gets up from the couch and look towards karan
Teju: sunny u
Kk: yes me what are u doing with my laptop hmm
Teju: Nothing I am just watching
Kk: what
Teju: nothing
Kk: nothing what kind of answer it is
Teju: why u getting angry hmm u said I have all rights so I just used it I am sorry I will use it again happy
Kk: laddoo I didn't mean that
Teju: please Karan I know what u mean what u don't it's clearly seen
Kk: teju u are taking me wrong
Teju: You know what I am seeing on your laptop
Kk: no
Teju: I am seeing the recipe so that u get better food I went for making then I thought if I don't make it properly then everything will ruin your mood also but I was wrong I think I don't deserves anything in my life everything get messed one friend I got he is also doubting and starts showing fake tears
Kkmind: Sss,, why she is reacting so weirdly Something is fishy I have to think twice before doing anything kk be careful don't trust her I think she has doubts on u
Teju: sunny sunny
Kk: hmm
Teju: now what u are thinking here I am upset and u lost in your thoughts very mean
Kk: I am sorry ladoo please
Teju: no
Kk: please manja
Teju: no
Kk: ok I will give u chocolates
Teju: chocolates
Kk: yes
Teju: promise
Kk: pakka promise
Teju: ohh thank you and she hugged him tightly
In between their hearts start beating fast their is something which they feel something their have a eye contact and they living in the moment their throat are dry they don't know what they are feeling inside
Kk: laddoo
After listening his voice she come out and broke the hug
Teju: I am sorry
Kk: it's ok
Teju: if I ask something to u did u reply honestly
Kk: ask
Teju: are u in love
Kk: with whom
Teju: with someone who is close to your heart
Kk: there is someone who is very closed to me but I am confused
Teju: confusion what confusion
Kk: nothing the right time still not come
Teju: then what's the right time
Kk: when the right time come u will get to know 🙂
And he getup and teju holds his hand
Teju: I hope that I don't get any other shocks please I can't bear it
Kk: 🙂 don't worry nothing happened
Teju: where are u going
Kk: I am not going alone we both are going
Teju: where
Kk: surprise
Teju: surprise
Kk: yes
Teju got up on her feet and ask
Teju: what a surprise
Kk: u will get soon just wait for few hours and he left
Teju: what surprise he give me I don't understanding why I am feeling restless did I am fallen for him no why my heartbeat gets fast when I am around him I am in love yes I am in love I love him but
Tejusoul: but what teju
Teju: who are u
Tejusoul: I am your soul and heart
Teju: what u want to ask
Tejusoul: but what if u are in love just say it don't waste time
Teju: I don't know I don't know I love him but
Tejusoul: but what
Teju: still something what he is hidding
Tejusoul: maybe u are overthinking teju
Teju: overthinking
Tejusoul: maybe he is innocent and u are taking him wrong
Teju: I don't getting it
Tejusoul: or maybe he is thinking that u are doing something
Teju: me
Tejusoul: yes
After a lost of struggle she shouts and put a hand on her ears
Teju: stop just stop it
And she look up and there is no one
Teju: I think she was right I am overthinking or maybe he is doing something

At night
Teju is getting ready in her room
Tejupov: teju u are going with him but still I am feeling scared no no Teju don't scared u know he loves u he cares for u that's why he bring u out from that zone wanna who did do that for any stranger teju take a deep breathe and just go
Kk camed in the room
Kk: teju
She is still lost
Kk: pov) I don't understand why she always lost in her thoughts did she planning against my hospital no no be careful kk
And we went closer and shook her
Teju: hmm
Kk: are u ready
Teju: hmm yes
Kk: then let's go
Teju: hmm
And they left

Let's see what happens next did they are own wrong track or there is something fishy in them hope u guys like it stay tuned

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