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Let's start
Kk was conscious he was in the hospital bad nurse came put the medicine in the drip
Doc: nurse
Nurse: yes sir
Doc: u did it
Nurse: yes sir
Doc: ok go and check the patients
Nurse: sir patient families want to take patients back
Doc: why
Nurse: Dr.kk
Doc: go and said new team's are camed they will handle now don't worry
Nurse: ok
And she left

On the other side
Teju was tied to the chair her eyes get blindfold and she trying to release but she failed
Teju: help! did anybody is here release me now help! help!
After lots of noise the guy entered
Someone: hello beautiful
Teju: U
Someone: oh recognize
Teju: how can I forgot u shameless and useless
Someone slaps her hard
Someone: how dare u call me shameless
Teju: u are a shamless and useless
Someone: shut up
Teju: why accept it it's a fact
Someone: shut up wanna
Teju: wanna what hmm say wanna what 4b
Someone: wanna
Teju: wanna what
Someone: u have to pay for it
Teju: just shut up just get lost
Someone: u tied on chair and saying me get lost baby u are at my place I am not yours
Teju: last time this gonna be last time
Someone: really
Teju: yes
Someone: oh how
Teju: u gonna be in jail
Someone: how
Teju: u don't know him he will not leave u
Someone: let me tell he is not interested in u only u are dying for him
Teju: none of your business just leave me
Someone: baby doll he gives u divorce after that u become my sleeve than whatever I want to do I can do easily
Teju: shut up
He hold her hair tightly and said
Teju: ahh sunny
Someone: oh my love missing someone but sad u can't get him
His grip get tight and said forget him ok
Teju: he is in my heart u can't remove from there
Someone: I will make it
Teju: I am in love with him I love him madly he is Jaan
Someone: what
Teju: yes I love Dr. Karan kundrra
Someone: and what about me your love Yash hmm
Teju: I hate you and I hate you
Yash: Remember u try to kill yourself for me
Teju: u remember u threw me away and abused me
Yash: oh my love that's my mistake I love you
Teju: and I hate u I only and only love my sunny my unconditional love
Yash: sad this love story is gonna be sad love story but mine always beautiful my beautiful wife and my beautiful X both are in my cot whatever I want I can do hitting u then kissing then u know what I am saying
Teju: u can't remember what I did last time
Yash: not everytime is your time baby doll this time I have a huge plan just wait and watch bye bye babydoll and he try to kissed but she pushed
Teju: go away
Yash: ok ok baby doll bye
And he left
Teju: no this first time I am madly in love with the right man I can't live without him I love you sunny 😭🥺

Let's see what happened next stay tuned❤️

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