You Hate Each Other, But You Get Injured

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I often make up angst or hurt/comfort scenarios in my head, but I never write them down because I'm afraid that I can't convey the emotions properly. So I'm trying this now for the first time!

This has 15.000+ words by the way... uhhh yes, I got carried away again.

Disclaimer: I know close to nothing about the military, especially as a non-American. Also, due to having no access to the needed hardware, I have never played COD myself. If you find factual errors, please absolutely educate me! Just be nice about it.


Glaring eyes shooting daggers at each other. Annoyed snarls whenever you walked past him in the hallways. Sometimes even giving each other an unnecessary nudge with the shoulder. Scoffs at the mention of either person's name.

Him belittling you when you made a mistake and you pissing him off on purpose in return. Practically pulling at his nerves to get a reaction out of him.

He never granted you any favourable words, but you didn't do that for him either.

It was just how you and Ghost were. You didn't know when you started hating each other, but it wasn't long after you were transferred to the 141 from your previous unit.

It had become clear very quickly that he was generally very distanced and didn't get attached easily, at least not further than one would care for their teammates.

And that was fine for you. His decision.

But right from the start, he never gave you a chance to prove yourself, although you were very good at what you did.

No chance either to form any kind of connection with him, not even a work one.

You didn't expect him to be overjoyed with your company, because he just wasn't like that, but it seemed as if he didn't even tolerate your presence, let alone your comradeship.

At first, you attempted warming up to him.

When that didn't work, you just found it annoying and tried accepting it.

Then, when you realised how much harsher he was with you than with anyone else, and how his dislike towards you seemed to seep from every disdaining look he sent you, you couldn't take it lightly anymore or pretend that you didn't care.

It was infuriating.

You didn't do anything wrong, but he still somehow hated you, and you hated him out of frustration, spite, and lack of alternative, because nothing you tried to get on his good side had ever worked.

He was cold, stubborn, cocky, and harsh.

You felt like you were at a point of no return. If someone would ask you why you hated your lieutenant, you couldn't give them a straight answer. The lines between reasoning and blind feelings were blurred.

At some point, when you felt really low, you thought that you were the problem. Along the lines of "generally unlikable as a person", but you got along perfectly fine with anyone else.

Price, your captain, had high hopes in you and you were friends with some of the lower ranks and most of the Sergeants on the base, your team members Soap and Gaz especially.

You had asked them what on earth Ghost's problem was, but they weren't sure either. At some point, they avoided the topic entirely, so you stopped asking, worrying about annoying them.

You couldn't shake off the feeling that they knew something, but you couldn't prove it.

It was frustrating really.

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