Our First Actual Date

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The secret I was keeping from everyone was killing me because I finally get someone who I love with all my heart and I can't tell anyone. Of course when I said I wouldn't tell a soul, but my best friend doesn't count. I can never keep anything from Kim even if my life depends on it, so the first thing I did when I got home was call her. Michael answered for her but he didn't talk so I assumed it was her and just began to blurt it all out. Finally I heard a response "You're dating Nash?!?" I wanted to blow my head up! "You better not say ANYTHING!" I replied and there was nothing but silence. I began to worry until I heard Kim's voice finally answer. I explained to her very briefly what had happened and how I felt, "wow, so finally you get someone you want" she said. I was still scared that Michael heard my confession and was panicking because I thought he would tell, I didn't even answer Kim and hung up, threw my phone and put my face in my pillow and cried. I cried myself to sleep and woke up to a text "I know you're dating Nash, that's disgusting! Why would you date him, actually the question is why would he date you! YOU ARE TRASH!!! Just die you fucken whore!" I didn't have the number on my contacts so I had no clue who it was, and of coarse I wasn't gonna text "who are you" because this text really got to me. I felt like staying in bed all day but heard my mom talking to someone. I wondered who it could be, we lived alone so there was either someone there or she was talking on the phone. I creeped downstairs to check and saw him standing there, Nash was in my house and I was a mess! I ran back to my room so that I could get ready and her my name being called, "coming" I replied. I quickly changed and walked casually towards my my mom as if I didn't know the love of my life was with her. "Hey, you ready to go?" I was confused but my mom smirked as if she was in on what is going to happen, this had me kinda nervous and the butterflies in my stomach were going insane! "Where are we going..." I asked him while we entered his car. He didn't answer and drove off. We got to our destination, Disneyland. I squeaked because he took me to the place I've always wanted to go to, I looked over at him and leaned in for a kiss but he backed away. I was surprised and unbuckled the seatbelt when I got pulled by the arms and he kissed me. Not just any ordinary kiss, this one felt like there was a spark that was literally unexplainable! "Let's go" he said. We spent the whole day, afternoon, and most of the night walking around and getting on the rides. We didn't stop to eat because he kept buying little snacks here and there for us to eat. My best part of today was when he bought me an Olaf stuffed animal, he gave it me on one knee in the Disney store and told me "Accept this plush as a symbol of my eternal love that I have for you and only you..." How could I say no to those beautiful blue eyes, that stunning smile, that sexy deep voice "I will, only if you promise to never leave my side." At this point people began to stare at us and two girls were recording. Nash got up and kissed me in front of the others, I was surprised because I'd never think that he would kiss me out in public. The two girls walked up to us and and the tall one said "That was adorable, I wish my boyfriend at least half as romantic as you are." Her accent was very thick and sounded Brittish, she looked over at me and said "You are one lucky guy, better love him as much as he loves you!" I smile, blushed and looked at him. He payed and we walked out so we could head towards the car to go home. My eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep in his car, until he woke me up. I looked up and saw we were at his house, I was too tired to ask what we were doing here so I just walked in headed up stairs. Nash slept in his underwear only so he began to disrobe and slept next to me. I was so happy I completely forgot the text I received in the morning.

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