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Soyeon isn't anything special.

I know that, everyone knows that. There's a rumor that she lives alone in a house infested with rats, surviving only on pizza and envying Insta posts. We all avoid her, pretend she's invisible. Even if I did ever talk to her, I'm sure she wouldn't respond. Daydreaming about something while her large glasses slowly slip off of her face.

That's where I'm wrong.

I find myself in a terrible predicament: Way late for school while the bus is about to drive off without me, and the only seat left in the entirety of the bus is next to Jeon Soyeon.

As I sit down next to her, my nose scrunches up. She smells like she hasn't had a bath in days, her hair looks like it too. It's all matted and spaghetti-looking. I fidget with the straps of my backpack, knowing that it'd be a little while before the bus arrived at school.

I felt like my insides were itching. Ugh! This silence is killing me, I need to talk to someone. I look behind me at the rows of seats and see the sparkly head of my friend, Miyeon. I lift my hand to wave to her, but then see her with both of her arms around her boyfriend. I quickly turn back around, guilty. I knew that he was cheating on her, but I can't say anything about it to her or else Minnie will have my head.

"I like your hair."

I turn to the person sitting next to me with surprise. I'm so stupid! I really thought that she never speaks? I scold myself, clearing my throat. "Thanks, I got it dyed like this two weeks ago." I run a hand through my light blonde hair, still getting used to it.

"Y-you're allowed to dye your hair? Wow..." Soyeon bit her bottom lip nervously as she turned away.

"Yeah, my parents aren't too strict. Do you.. Have parents?" I should not have asked that. Why did I ask that? I have no idea, it just slipped out. Why am I so nervous all of a sudden? I need to keep my thoughts to myself. 

"Used to."

And that was all she said for the rest of the ride, even when I tried to compliment her shoes, she just hummed and kept looking out the window. I know I must've touched a sensitive topic, but this girl was still a little strange in my eyes.


I soon found out that talking to Soyeon that day was going to ruin my life. Ever since then, she apparently thinks that we're 'friends'. But she just doesn't know that it's unrequited.

My crew in school is the most popular clique that everyone is jealous of. Now Soyeon was trying to be a part of it, and it just doesn't work like that! It will interrupt with the school's balance.

People say that our crew is inspiring, influential, smart, sexy.. All of the things that Soyeon isn't.

"What are we going to do about SY?" Shuhua, my best friend, asks me. We had given Soyeon a nickname just between ourselves so that no one would know we were talking about her. "We have to get rid of her somehow. She's got this aura that will ruin us, if you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I do, it's like a disease." I pick out a book that I needed for my next class out of my locker, anticipating the bell to ring any moment now.

"Or an allergy.. Like, everyone in the school is allergic to her, and she's about to give that to us," Shuhua pouted.

An idea suddenly bursts to the front of my mind. "What is the thing she wants more than anything else?"

"Duh, to be a Queenka like we are," Shuhua responded, digging for something in her locker.

I close mine shut with a smirk. "Then that's what we're going to give her."

A/N: Yuqi and Shuhua need your votes to help transform SY into a Queenka!! <3

Chapter 2 comes out next week :3 )

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