Peter Pan

370 15 12

Waking up next to Soyeon made my heart pound and my breath hitch. But the initial surprise was soon replaced with something fuzzy. Her arms are around me, fingers snagged in the belt loops of my pants that weren't my pajamas since we both forgot to change. Every time she breathed out, her hot breath landed on my neck. She moved in her sleep, so that her head lifted upwards.

I let out a small whimpering noise as her breath reached my lips. As soon as the noise came out, she started to shift again, waking up. Did she hear that??

"Cat.. cat? Where.." Soyeon whined, shifting around even more before she sat up abruptly. "Where is my cat?" Soyeon looked as if she were about to cry as her head snapped back to look at Yuqi.

"It's okay, we'll find your cat," I hushed, sitting up to give Soyeon a soothing rub on the shoulder. Honestly, I don't know what cat Soyeon is talking about, but the most important thing was Soyeon calming down. It seemed like she was about to have a heart attack or something, seriously.

Her senses seemed to come back as I looked at her, worry glazing my eyes.

She turned away from me, embarrassed. "Um, sorry.."

"Do you mind telling me what cat you're looking for?" I tried, asking in the softest tone I could muster.

"My room has a stuffed cat, I've had it forever," Soyeon said reluctantly, turning slowly back to me. "I sleep with him every night. I'm sorry, you must think I'm weird and childish and stupid for sleeping with a stuf–"

I barely think before lifting my hand to place a finger on her pillowy lips. "Don't call yourself those things." My cocky self couldn't help but smirk. "It's a trick to being a Queenka." I removed my finger, standing up to change into new clothes for school today.

After choosing my outfit and—regrettably—vowing to make Soyeon breakfast, I head into my bathroom to change. It's not that I don't want to make her breakfast, it's just that I can't cook even if my life depended on it. But I'll try for her.

I finish, checking myself out in my full-body mirror and flashing a few pictures for social media. That's when I notice something on my face. Is that fucking acne?? I rush closer to the mirror thinking that there is no absolute way. I've never missed not even a day of washing my face for the past two years...

As I get a closer look, I see that it's definitely not a pimple. What happened last night and why can't I remember?!

"Soyeon," I stepped out of the bathroom and found Soyeon looking through my outfits that I thought would fit her. "What is this?" I point to the spot on my face, just below my cheek on my jaw.

Her face flushed scarlet. "I- it's just lipstick."

"Did you.. kiss me here?"

"When you were sleeping." She explained with a nod, giving me a sheepish half-smile. I turn on my heel back to the bathroom with a clenched jaw. I stared at the spot on my face in the mirror. The lipstick was smudged, but I can clearly see the shape of her lips printed neatly on my face. Now I had to make a tough decision.

Should I wipe it off?


The power came back overnight, which is a blessing and a curse. It's great to have electricity, but if it hadn't come back, we wouldn't have to go to school today and I would get to cuddle with Soyeon more. I also would have been able to keep Soyeon's kiss mark on my face. Among those other things, my parents are going to be out tonight, and I can't stop fidgeting because I'm excited. I can invite Soyeon over again!

I want to ask her if I can hear any of the songs that she's written or composed, the thought had been running through my mind ever since Soyeon mentioned it at lunch that one day.

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