'Listen Crucial, I know we have history, but leave this kid alone. He's not a bad kid. There are people that need him.'
'I'm sorry Kratos, but I'm going through this. Actually, I'm not. This little shit stain has been a pain in my ass ever since our game was developed. It wasn't fair that he was the one in the spotlight. He stole everything as soon as we came to Earth. He's not a good person, Kratos. He's just putting on an act. Once I go through the procedure, you'll see who Kazuo Tarishi really is.'
The room was damp and cold. The brick walls made it look extra gloomy, making it the worst place to be chained and naked, which was the position Shina was in. All that was on her mind was her kids. The last time she saw them was when she held onto them with all of her being when Crucial tried snatching them. Her body was bruised and cut. She just sat there, her naked body cold and in pain. Then suddenly, there was a sharp pain in her fingers. She looked over at her hand and saw all of her fingers were broken on both hands. "Have you learned your lesson yet, my darling?" Crucial opened the stone door and walked up to Shina. "you...what...did-" Shina was interrupted by Crucial forcing himself onto her. He groped her breasts while making out with her. She couldn't fight back, and felt like she was in hell. He let go and stood up, unzipping his pants and pulling out his dick. Shina looked away in disgust. "You must be wondering why your body is broken. I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for your fiance. Yeah, and fyi, you guys are fiance's, not married you dumb fucks. But that won't matter anymore. Maybe if you don't fight back while I have my way with your body, you'll be unchained and be put with your children. Or maybe you're too loyal to even consider my large dick entering inside of you." Crucial shoved his dick into her mouth while she gagged, but took it out. He just needed to get it wet. He shoved her onto the concrete floor, which made her hit her head on the concrete, knocking her out. Even I don't wanna describe what he did to Shina next.
The body of Kazuo lies curled up in a test tube surrounded by monitors showing angles of different rooms. There was the room his kids were locked into, Shina's room, the throne room, the entrance, and multiple different rooms. Green light was glowing in the room from the green liquid in the tube. Someone else was watching though. Lumity was on her phone, keeping an eye on everyone while she lay in bed with Mizu. The situation seemed to be escalating, but things had finally gotten normal. She moved in with her step parents and finally warmed up to them, as well as quitting smoking and drugs. Caleb was 8 now and was spoiled rotten. Lumity was working a 9-5 at an office and making good money. She made new friends and felt accepted. But, her relationship with Mizu was getting kind of getting rough. They constantly argued about not spending time with each other or other dumb shit, and would end up having sex every night to make up. Lumity was gonna make her relationship better no matter what, but the events that were occuring in that universe were too extreme not to interfere. If Kazuo had been kidnapped, something went wrong. It was a danger that only she could deal with. Mizu looked at Lumity's phone and was shocked. "Why is she naked, beat up, and unconscious in a room?! And why is he in a test tube! What the hell is happening, Lumity!" Mizu started to get scared. "Baby, calm down. I have to handle this tomorrow." Lumity got worried, wondering if things would be settled in time for her to arrive in the morning. "I-If you need to go now, you can go. I don't mind missing sex if the fate of an important universe could be bad." Mizu covered up her boobs and moved off of Lumity. "Listen baby. I know, things have been rough since I got my job and I haven't been able to spend time with you, but I'm trying. I want to be able to spend time with you, but I also want to make sure that I can provide for you and Caleb. So i'm sorry i'm such a jerk. It's just hard after becoming a better person." Lumity started tearing up. "Honey, I'M sorry. I've been making it a big deal that you haven't been with me when I know you're trying so hard. I appreciate it." Mizu was happy that her wife was improving and was genuinely proud. "T-Thanks honey. I love you." Lumity kissed Mizu, slowly getting on top of her. She spread Mizu's legs and started massaging her thighs. "Mmmff..." Mizu moaned, starting to get wet. Lumity started licking her thighs, sucking on them here and there until she made it to her dripping wet vagina. She shoved her tongue into her crevace. Mizu was moaning loudly and squirming around. Lumity came out and took her pants and underwear off, feeling wet herself. She wrapped her legs around Mizu's and they started scissoring. The pleasure was too unbearable and they both came at the same time. Mizu grabbed a strap on dildo from the drawer next to the bed. "Are you ready, you slut?" Mizu's face was red and full of lust. "ywes mommy...penatwate my twight pwussy!" Lumity spread her legs while preparing for Mizu to enter. Mizu shoved the dildo into her vagina, thrusting her hips in and out faster and faster. Lumity wrapped her legs and arms around Mizu and felt soulless as her hole was penetrated.
The sun beamed on Coy and Aria's face as they exited the cave. A new person had joined them, with a mask that had an eye on it. They stayed quiet while the couple made their way to the giant castle. He sharpened his spear and knife while the two yapped about stupid stuff. "Hey, you trynna go out on an ice cream date when this is over?" Coy picked her up and started to run. "OF COURSE! My favorite thing to get is strawberry with sprinkles and cherries! It is to die for!" Aria was smiling and being so hyper after the question just asked. "I'll have to try it once we win our lives." They nuzzled up and held hands while making their way to the huge castle where everyone was being kept.
Crucial walked into the room with the tube and paced around it. "Well, well, well. Looks like my conversion is finally complete. Soon you'll become my killing machine, Kazuo. The we'll make our way back to our games and have complete domination! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Crucial maniacally laughed as he pressed a button on a monitor. The tube opened and the liquid spilled out everywhere as Kazuo fell out of the tube, completely in the nude. His body had almost completely transformed with a huge scar running down the both of his arms. "Kazuo, my man! Look at you dude. You look INcredible. Stunning. But we do have some business to take care of. There some pests invading us things need some exterminating. Take care of them and then we'll talk further actions." Kazuo stretched. "Can I at least get some pants?"
Xaria, Rina, Sophi, Blanca, and Hinabi had all made it to the room where Shina was somehow and saw her in her terrible state. "Oh my god! What the fuck did that bastard do?! Sophi come heal her! NOW!" They were getting Shina unchained. Once she was she fall to the ground and trembled. Sophi swiftly healed her and got her feeling 100%. Coy and Aria came rushing through the door and the group prepared to attack. "WOAH WOAH WOAH! Chill! We're here to help!" Coy screamed as he was about to get stabbed. "I don't know if believe you but we need all the help we can get now I guess." Sophi said, as Kazuo appeared behind her. Everyone turned towards him and hugged him tight besides the people who just came in. "Kazuo you're all right! We were so worried!" They all clamored. Kazuo yawned and calmly stated, "Run the ones right now bitches. 8v1." Kazuo sent an air shockwave to blow all the girls away from himself. They all had a terrified face as he started stretching. "Make the first moves, pussies." Kazuo glared at the figure Coy and Aria had summoned. He practically instant transmissioned over to it and gave it the meanest backhand ever. The thing got knocked the hell out and stayed down. Everyone was absolutely horrified as they started charging at Kazuo. Using one hand, he gave them the worst 20 piece combo ever, equivalent to Gojo. Everyone was practically half dead as the ass beating they just got was horrific. "Damn, y'all are ass. How you lose an 8v1? Y'all are weak as hell. Worthless. Your stupid for even stepping foot in this castle." Kazuo wakes up to Shina and lifted her up by her hair. "Turns out I married a weak ass bitch. Useless." Kazuo threw her into the wall, making a huge dent-like crater in it. Blood was everywhere in the room and Kazuo was covered in it. "Well done, my friend! Very good job! Looks like you took care of them very swiftly. Soon we will take over this planet, Kazuo. Just you and me. But I suppose you should get a reward for doing so good." Crucial grabbed Kazuo and pinned him against the wall. "What kind of reward do you want, my good little doggy? Cause I think I know just the thing." Crucial kisses Kazuo and started deep throating his tongue. Kazuo didn't fight it and starts rubbing his dick. Crucial missed his way down to the erect dick that Kazuo is holding and starts sucking. They slowly fall to the floor as the pleasure is too overwhelming and Kazuo nuts all over Crucials face. "Good little boy. Come meet me in the master bedroom when your ready for me to fuck the shit out of your ass, daddy~" Crucial winked as he walked away and closed the door. Kazuo put his pants on and stood up. He looked around and realized something was wrong. Some people were missing. In walked his four children, looking around at the horror. Kazuo's eyes went wide in fear as he would see what he just did. "D-Daddy? What happened to mommy and everyone else?" They said in a terrified voice. Kazuo's eyes felt like they were bulging out as tears flowed from his eyes. He banged his head on the wall over and over and over again. Blood was splattering everywhere. The children were horrified and started screaming and crying. Kazuo slammed his head into the wall one last time and fell to the ground next to Shina. His body was bloody red, looking like a sack of human flesh. Shina crawled towards him with all of her might and collapsed in his arms. It was a horrific sight as Crucial came in the room, grabbed the kids, and left, leaving a room full of blood.

My Time As A Real Life Gamer After Sparks Flew!!!
FantasyKazuo Tarishi was a normal, pervy teenager who had just gotten a girl. All he can think of is smashing his girl, Aria Rino (on the cover). One night while they were gaming during a thunderstorm, thunder struck an internet pole and sent shocks throug...