The Idea

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It was just another day at Babyls when all of a sudden Lied informed three of his friends to meet him at their specific chill lounge somewhere in their school.

He ends up calling Iruma, Asmodeus Alice, and Andro M. Jazz.

Iruma and Jazz did accept his invitation to talk with no hesitation, but Azz was a bit reluctant.

But it was kind of easy for Lied to convince him because he ended up telling the self-proclaimed servant of Iruma-sama that the happy bluenette himself would be joining his meeting. So, decided to join.

Now, the four finally got together in their lounge and by then, the meeting began.

"Okay Lied now that you've gathered us here and promptly wasted Iruma-sama's time, what is it that you want?" Azz asked out of frustration.

He was thinking that Lied was gonna pull out something useless up his sleeve so he did get a bit suspicious.

"Now now, Azz-kun. Don't be such a killjoy! I promise it's gonna be something very interesting."

"Well, is there something you wanna ask the three of us?" Jazz chimed in. He did choose to be in this meeting but Lied has a habit of coming up with stupid ideas, so he was asking to just pull out a dumb idea already.

"Well, this might be a stretch but..."

The three were waiting on his answer while Blondie over here was sweating arrows and began stuttering.

"I-I...I wanna start a band with the three of you!"

Awkward silence began to fill the room for about...six seconds.

"A band?" A confused Iruma questioned. "But why a band, Lied-kun?"

"Ah, he just wanted to be part of that one band that just debuted. That or he wants to impress the ladies." Jazz replied as he began to chuckle which made Lied embarrassed.

From what he was talking about, there was this new band called The Fangs that just debuted. They became an instant hit with their romantic rock anthem collectively titled 'Rest Your Love'. Lied, knowing that he some connections, took this chance to try and form his own band with the guys.

"I-It's not like that!" Lied contradicted. "Okay, maybe it is! But I feel like the four of us could look great together as a rock band! All of us has some sort of musical talent!"

"Eh?" The three replied in unison.

"Iruma-kun! Remember when you went over to my house so I could teach you to play the guitar?"

"H-Huh? U-Uh yeah. T-Thanks to you I've been getting a lot better in learning it..."

This secret shocked Azz. Because what he didn't know, was that Lied was helping Iruma practice the guitar last month because for some reason Lied made a bet that he could teach Iruma how to play an instrument instead of a piano.

" got guitar lessons from this little nutcase!?" Azz screamed in horror, while Lied got a bit angry at Azz insulting him.

"Who are you calling a nutcase!?"

"U-Um, Azz-kun...i-it was a bet..."

"It doesn't matter if it's a bet! I am very sure I could make you an even better guitarist, Iruma-sama!" Azz proclaimed, but Jazz had to defend Lied.

"Well, I gotta give it to him." Jazz began. "I went to his house the other week and he showed me a video of Iruma-kun playing a riff. I think I got it on my phone."

Jazz proceeded to show Azz a video of Iruma playing a guitar riff, which was Lied's spare guitar. It was actually pretty decent. Iruma is a fast-learner at times, and him being able to play to guitar is an accomplishment itself.

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