Chapter 16✨

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At evening
Mallika calls Anchal
Anchal- hello mallika is everything alright?? Did your khadoos boss scold you?? Areee speak something yaar.
Mallika- cool, cool Ms. Anchal I want to tell you something come to our regular spot. And come fast don't be late.
Call ended
They both went to their regular spot where they both drink. Mallika was waiting for Anchal. And anchal also arrived.
Anchal- tell, tell what happened??
Mallika- first you sit and have a drink.
Anchal- first tell me what did he said??
Mallika was already little drank.
Mallika- woh... na... Woh... My Khadoos boss. No, no he is not khadoos he is my lovely cute and handsome boss. (In dranken+childish voice)
(A/n- hey guys I'm not mentioning it again whatever mallika speaks now it's in drunken voice you all can imagine)
Anchal sees her in shock.
Anchal- mallika I think you have drunk so much.
Mallika- shhh, no I'm not drunk.
Suddenly mallika screams.
Mallika- ohhhhh my goddddd.
Anchal- what.. What happened why are you shouting??
Mallika- I'm missing my cute boss.
And she remembers the kiss. She closes her face with her palm 🙈
Anchal takes off mallika's hands from her face.
Anchal- mallika what happened for you?? Why are you behaving like this??
Mallika- Anchal you know ome thing. Today, today I and my boss, my boss and I, we both👉👈.
Anchal- tell it fast you and your boss.
Mallika- we both, we both kissed each other.
After hearing this Anchal got a mini heart attack. She was about to fall from the chair.
Anchal- wait, wait mallika are you telling the truth??
Mallika- why will I tell lie? We both are dating now. He knows everything. Come let's do partyyyyyyy.
Anchal(inside) - areeee wahhhnow I can meet my love yessss.
And they both drank so much.
They both were walking in the street. And shouting.
Mallika- I love youuuu Mr. Sumedh Mudgalkar I love you so muchhhh.
Anchal- I love you siddhant, I love you.
Thru both were shouting like this and suddenly Mallika's phone started ringing.
Mallika- shhhhh🤫, my handsome boss is calling shhh.
Anchal keeps finger on her lips.
On call
Mallika- helloooooo Mr. Sumedh Mudgalkar. (She shouts)
Sumedh- why are you shouting?? Wait ate you drunk??
Mallika- yes only little bit🤏, Mr. Mudgalkar when will you make me Mrs. Mallika Sumedh Mudgalkar I can't wait anymore.
Sumedh smiles on her cute talks.
Sumedh- as soon as possible you will be my wifey soon. Where are you now??
Mallika- now, nowww I and Anchal are walking to our house. This street is so silent and no one is there here.
Sumedh- wait, I will come there.
Mallika- no, why will you come here?? We both are very strong.
Sumedh- no mallika it's not safe. I'm coming.
Call disconnected.
Mallika- hello, helloooooo
Anchal- what did he said??
Mallika- he is coming here.
Anchal- then tell him to bring his handsome secretary also with him.
Suddenly one boy comes towards them.
Boy- hey beauties may I drop you both to your home??
Mallika- no thanks we both can you by ourselves.
Boy- why will you both take stress. I will drop you come baby.
He goes near them.
Anchal- oyeee stay away from us we don't want your drop.
Boy- areee co...
Precap- Mallika- stopppppp
Sumedh stops the car in jerk

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