Chapter V

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Sage sat in a bar with Klaus, waiting patiently to be served by a woman whom she'd soon meet as Camille O'Connell. She took a glance around the bar, and turned her head when footsteps came in from the back.

"Sorry for the wait. If you're here for the gumbo, I'm about to break your heart. We just ran out," Camille said to the two, Klaus giving her a slight grin in greeting.

"Your oldest scotch for my friend, Sage, love."

"She seems new around here." Camille tilted her head at Sage as she began to prepare the scotch.

"Probably because I am."

"What trouble brought you down to New Orleans, Sage?"

"I'll sum it up in all one phrase... New Year, new me. Since January is approaching us, I decided to restart my life down here with the Mikaelsons."

"I see." Camille nodded her head and slid a mug filled with scotch down to Sage. The girl took it in her hands and thanked the blonde-haired bartender. "I wish you all the best."


"So, she just left... Like that?" Caroline questioned Elena, who stood next to Matt, her arms wrapped around her chest.

"Yep," Matt said, uninterested in the conversation he had been stuck in between. 

"Ouch much?"

"I honestly don't blame her... The poor girl has been through enough here. But I'm gonna miss her, that's for sure."

"But she still left," Matt scoffed, and Elena rolled her eyes.

"At least she's happy."

"Oh. Big ouch this time."

"Are you sure she's happy? Is she truly?"

"That's what I hope."


"So..." Elijah began as he poured two glasses of whiskey for both him and Sage. While Klaus was out doing Klausy doings, that left time for Elijah and Sage to get caught up with one another. He leaned back in his armchair and looked over at Sage who sat on the couch opposite him. "Damon Salvatore. In love? My ears must be deceiving me."

"I know it's hard to believe..." Sage answered and thanked Elijah silently when he offered her a glass. "But yes. You know, after all the drama with Elena and Stefan, he decided to move on. And I suppose that's when I came into the picture." She shrugged and sipped at her drink.

"He planned to turn you?"

"Yep," Sage replied with a small gulp. She turned to look down to the side for a moment, Elijah's eyes on her. He tilted his head up slightly and Sage glanced upwards.

"Uh oh. You're giving me the look."

"What look? What if I'm just looking at you because I find you very nice to look at?"

"Thank you but--" Sage was interrupted by Rebekah, who called from the top of the stairs.

"Elijah! You better get your-- "

"Coming, sister!!!" Elijah shouted back before Rebekah could use the infamous word 'bloody' on him. "So sorry this had to end so soon. How about we take a walk with each other this afternoon? I can show you around New Orleans if you wish."

"That sounds wonderful! I'll see you later," Sage replied and Elijah gave her a smile before hurrying up the stairs, leaving her all alone. As she usually did while she was alone to herself, she thought. She thought of Elena, Matt, Stefan, and everyone whom she had left back in Mystic Falls. But at the moment, her mind mostly concentrated on Damon. Awfully silly, she knew that. But she couldn't help but think of him and the memories they had shared.

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