Prologue: He's Gone (2 Years Ago)

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Note: This is directly after chapter 16!

Dior is really dead. My best friend is dead, the only person I could ever talk to before, well, Kenneth. Kenneth said he was brave, that he fought for him and died so Kenneth could survive.

He always wanted me to write something poetic for his tombstone. I guess I should get on it soon, but, for the moment, I need to breathe.

He was just here. I tried to block the thought, but it surged through my mind like a tsunami, destroying everything serene I had left.

No, Halo, I countered the intrusive thought. We have more important things to focus on right now.

Just thinking that had me choked up. Was anything at all more important than my best friend?

Yes, I tried once again to convince myself. This universe is dying, the Interitus are here, your brother who used to be younger than you and is now older than you who was kidnapped all those years ago is back and working for the enemy, and Dior is dead. There's nothing you can do to fix him. Help the people of this universe.

Fires still raged on outside, beyond the walls of the refugee camp. As I watched them, tears welled in my eyes. I forced them back. No, you can't cry. Not now. Not when the people still need you. You have to get them out of here.

"Halo?" I heard the door of the metal tent open and shut and someone say my name. Kenneth. "Are you doing alright?"

That was it. The floodgates opened and all my emotions let loose. In less than an instant, I was a mess. I couldn't see through the blurred wall of tears in my eyes. My knees wobbled, and I knew I only had a short amount of time before they gave out, so I slid down against the wall and hugged my knees to my chest, burying my face in them.

"Woah!" Kenneth shouted, rushing over to me. He crouched down next to me, putting a hand on my back. "I guess you're not ok. Do you want me to find Azizi?"

"I...," I tried to say, but all that came out was a strangled-sounding sob. It took me a few tries before I could finally say, "I want him back." Then I erupted once again into loud, emotional sobs. When I looked up again, I could also see tear tracks on Kenneth's face.

"I'm still here, Halo," he whispered comfortingly. "I always will be. Even if you hate me one day. I'll be here until our broken lives end."

I smiled for a second at him, taking notice of how he used my words from earlier, when I had seemed so calm. I only let a few tears fall. I thought I would be able to handle the news, but I guess it was just too much for me. As if losing my whole universe and being trapped in a jungle for a month wasn't enough, I was rescued by my best friend who I ended up losing less than a week later.

After a moment of silence, my smile faltered. "It's like you said, Kenneth: If we're all trying so hard to survive, maybe none of us are supposed to."

His eyes widened, and he stared at me in shock. "No, Halo. We have to keep going. The Interitus are here, and they're not letting up. We have to save the people of this universe and bring them to a safehouse on another one. I hate to say it, but Dior wasn't the first to die, and he certainly won't be the last."

"But who's next? You? Me? Azizi? Rygel? It could be anyone, Kenneth. I don't want it to happen again."

"This isn't like you. Be optimistic, like the Halo I know and--" He stopped himself before he could say the next word. "The Halo I know."

I groaned. "Who cares about being bloody optimistic when it got me nowhere to begin with?"

"Listen to me." Kenneth crouched down even lower to be at eye level with me and rested his hand on my shoulder. "We're going to keep fighting this until the Interitus are gone and everyone's safe. It could take years, or the rest of our lives. It doesn't matter, though, because I'll always be right here. I need to know if you will be, too."

I waited a second, before nodding. "I promise, Kenneth."

He tackled me in a bear hug, and we both started sobbing. I knew even then it was the start of something, a new idea in my head, a new thought. The leader of the Interitus stands for everything that involves the death and destruction of my home and family. He goes down, the Interitus go down with him.

I am going to kill Xexile.

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