About Y/N

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^(Her Tattoo that is proof that she's a sin)

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(Her Tattoo that is proof that she's a sin)

Name: Princess Y/N Ocean Atlantia
Nickname/Aliases: N/N, Fish (By Ban), Coral (By her parents)
Race: Mermaid Race
Family: King/Harlequin (Lover), King Kaveri (Father✝️), Queen Ceto (Mother✝️), Prince Alon (Older Brother✝️), Princess Muriel (Eldest Sister✝️), Princess Attina (Second Eldest Sister✝️) and Price Hugh (Younger brother✝️).

Characteristics and Abilities of Mermaid Race:
• The Mermaid Race can heal anything as long as they have water on their hands.
• They can manipulate people via singing and they can choose whoever to manipulate.
• The Mermaid Race can change their tail to legs in a matter of seconds.
• Mermaids/Mermen can be all shapes and sizes.
• The color of a mermaids tail can vary but a Royal's tail is gradient. For example Pink and Blue, Yellow and Red, or Blue and Purple.
• The Mermaid Race can manipulate water by their hands and they can talk to most animals that lives in and near the bodies of water.
• To determine the successor for the Underwater Royal Throne, the Trident of the Sea will be passed down to the successor.
• The Mermaid Race can detect lies and truths by the person's body movements.
• The Mermaid Race cannot break their promises, even if they wanted to. Only the one who proposed the promise can make the Mermaid break it.
• The Mermaid Race can also make a promise with their life. Example is that if the one that the mermaid made a promise on got life threatening injuries, they will be also have these injuries as well. It is called 'Antheia', that is from the name of the Goddess of Promise in Greek Mythology, Goddess Antheia.
• The Fairy King's Forest and The Atlantia Kingdom (Home of The Mermaid Race) are great allies with each other.
• Mermaids have mortal enemies, and that is Sirens, evil mermaids that sided along with the Demon Race.

Y/N's Backstory:
- She is the 3rd princess, the youngest princess and the most adventurous among her siblings. She often go up the surface and meet birds and new fishes.
- She would also often sneak out to a cave that was connected to her home ocean and the Fairy King's Forest. There she meets her best friends, Diane and Elaine.
- She became a sin because of not saving her home kingdom and out of frustration, she killed several villages without knowing. Thus, she becomes The Black Swan Sin; The Sin of Frustration.

Frustration is the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.

Y/N's Magic Abilities:

Her power is called, "Poseidon". Named after the God of Sea, Brother of Zeus and Hades, Son of Kronos, her power can manipulate mana as easily as a fast current river like Blood Bending in Avatar: The Last Airbender. She can also drain her opponent's power and drink it like water and gives a source of safeness to those people who worships the Mermaid Race. It is a very dangerous power and she is considered as the most dangerous among her siblings.

~ Wave Strike - A strike of water that affects the opponent's strength and weakens the ability to regain composure in three (3) minutes.

~ Aqua Blast - A high speed blast of H2O with her magical ability. Stunning the opponent, giving the opportunity to strike back physically without the opponent seeing where she strikes next. Can lasts up to five (5) minutes.

~ Rain Dance - Think of Pokémon but it decreases the opponent's magic and also increases the magic abilities of the user.

~ Tsunami Shockwave - One of the more greater attacks that comes with the sacred treasure being released. Large waves of water being summoned as it blasted towards an opponent. Like the real like Tsunami, the only way to avoid this is to get to higher ground but it is also impossible because Y/N can use flight with this move.

~ Water Tornado - A tornado that sucks the opponent/s to dizziness and almost drowning of it.

~ Cold Freeze - Can turn water into Ice and impale or trap her opponent. She has use this with Ban to cool his temper down.

~ Ice Blades - Sharp Blades made with Ice, she can fire it to any opponent she desire.

~ Ice Sphere - A protective barrier that can withstand even one of Meliodas' magical abilities in his Assault Form. Also acts like a Perfect Cube.

~ Bubble - Another protective barrier similar to Ice Sphere except this is easier to create and can entrapped an opponent to prevent them to escape.

~ Creature Summon - She can summon whom ever she wants as long as the creature is from bodies of water.

~ Flight - Merlin taught her how to fly during her training for a few months before she became a sin. She can now fly side by side with King and talk easier with Diane.

~ Sacred Treasure Release - Releasing the true power of Trident, her sacred treasure, she be able to create more than just waves of water. Her magical power can stop even three of The Ten Commandments alone.

Sacred Treasure:

Trident- A weapon that has been passed down from the First Athlantia Ruler to the current ruler but was passed down as a Sacred Treasure for Y/N

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- A weapon that has been passed down from the First Athlantia Ruler to the current ruler but was passed down as a Sacred Treasure for Y/N. The design and power of the Trident can change depending who hold it, think of it like the wand in Star Vs The Forces Of Evil (SVTFOE). The design in the picture above is Y/N's when she held and harness the power of Trident. The picture below is when Y/N unlock the Trident's true power.

 The picture below is when Y/N unlock the Trident's true power

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