Chapter 4: Baste Dungeon

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On their way to their next location... Diane, Y/N and Meliodas discuss on who should they fetch first. "So, which one are we gonna pick? Ban or King?" Y/N asked as she flew around Diane, who is now walking beside Hawk's mom. Meliodas, who was on Diane's shoulder, takes a good look at Ban's and King's wanted poster. "Ban was thrown in the dungeon and King is dead and buried." Meliodas said as Y/N felt a ping in her heart. "Diane, what do you think?" Y/N asked Diane who is just looking at her wanted poster, "I don't care... I have no interest in men other than the captain. Enough about that! Look! I've became such a fine woman during these ten years!" Diane said, holding up the poster with her two fingers next to her face and winked. Y/N giggled, "You do have become one, Diane." Y/N said as a compliment to Diane but Y/N couldn't help but to notice that Meliodas' arm is just oozing out blood.. It's getting worse. "Alright! I've decided! Let's go pick up Ban in Baste Dungeon!" Meliodas shouted as Diane cheered, "Why did you pick Baste Dungeon though?" Y/N asked Meliodas as she landed on top of Hawk mom's back, "Because it's closer." Meliodas just commented as Y/N just sighed. "Even if that Holy Knight was telling the truth, isn't this like jumping right into the lion's den?" Hawk asked as he came out of the tavern and gave Y/N a glass of water. "I-I'm against this!" Elizabeth exclaimed as all of them turned to her. "Isn't tending your wounds our top priority now?" Elizabeth asked Meliodas, who jut brushed her off saying that he'll just sleep it off. 'Liar... That wound is too deep to sleeping it off.' Y/N thought as she saw Meliodas went inside the tavern and Elizabeth followed along. Y/N then drank her glass of water and gave the glass to Hawk. "Maybe we should stop by a town near Baste Dungeon." Y/N suggested as Diane looked at her confused, "Why is that?" Diane asked as Y/N threw a thumb behind her and it turns out that Elizabeth found Meliodas unconscious and blood seeping out of his wound.


Arriving at the town of Dalmally, Y/N took Meliodas out of Elizabeth's arms and flew up. "You are really reckless, Captain. Are you really that tired of Eternal Life?" Y/N commented as she opened her pouch of water and raised her hand. The bubble of water then flew and went to Meliodas' wound, Y/N was manipulating the water. "There, I only did a little so heal it yourself, Meliodas." Y/N said as she flew down and gave him to Diane, "Find him a great doctor. I'll meet you guys at Baste Dungeon with Ban." Y/N said as Diane nodded. Y/N then flew fast towards the Dungeon, undetected. She went inside, still undetected and starts to find Ban's cell. She found it in no time and was guarded by two knights. Y/N smirked and acted like she is just visiting a relative. The two knights noticed this and raised their spears at her, "Who are you?!" One of the knights said as Y/N turned to them innocently, "Hm? Oh! I was just visiting a friend but I got lost... Can you help me find his cell?" Y/N said as the two knight lowered their spears, "Then tell us what is his name." The other knight asked Y/N as she smirked. "He goes by two titles actually.. I only know one though..." Y/N said as the door to Ban's cell was fell down and emerges a very ragged man. He still has holes on his arms, "What the-! N-No way!" The knight said as Y/N just casually walked in front of the man, "Hey, Ban." Y/N said as Ban looked down and saw Y/N. "Oh! Fish! I didn't expect you to look as good as you did back in the day." Ban commented as Y/N took out the rod on his arm, "Look at that! Still a flirt, the Fox sin of greed, Ban." Y/N addresses Ban as the two knights were shocked at the walking Ban. They were certain that he was tortured and being bleed out to death, "This dungeon is kinda boring actually. Hope that you would fix that, the Black Swan sin of frustration, Y/N." Ban addresses Y/N which made the knights shivered in fear. "The-The rumors are true... There is an Eight Sin." The knights said as Y/N turned to them, "Huh, what do you know.. I turned into a rumor..." Y/N said as they pointed to the two sins. "How did you escape?! And why now?!" And to answer that question, Ban proceeded to took out the rod on his foot, "Isn't it obvious? I kicked down the door. And as for why, I heard this scaly friend of mine's voice and I figured that it is time to bust out." Ban said as Y/N scoffed, "Add in to one of the reasons, the Captain's alive." Y/N smiled brightly before Ban knocked out the two knights. His holes all over his body are now healed, "Eh? Is that so..? Then it's gonna be even more fun..." Ban said as a figure's foot prints were heard. "What's all this commotion?" A female voice said as Y/N and Ban turned to the figure that is actually Jericho, a female knight dressed as a male. "Oh... Guess we were too loud." Y/N said as Jericho looked at the knights that were knocked out. "The Fox sin, Ban... I don't know how you got out but I suggest you get back in." Jericho said as Y/N let Ban handle this and leaned over a nearby wall, "And who is this? An intruder, I see." Jericho said as Y/N waved her hand, "No need to worry about me, I think you should look ahead of you." Y/N said as she pointed to Ban. "Hey Brat, shouldn't you watch your attitude when you talk with two heroes?" Ban said as Jericho attacked. Slashing Ban's chest, but Y/N knows that Ban is not gonna went down with just slashes of a thin sword. Ban screamed but it was all an act. "Hey, Fish. Do you think this haircut too short?" Ban asked Y/N, revealing to Jericho that she only cut his hair. "You know, you look much more hotter with that." Y/N said walking towards Ban, who just smirked. "Well, it is refreshing with this. Hey kid! You have a lot of talent as a hairdresser!" Ban joked as Jericho was baffled, "Impossible! You have not dodged my blade and with those wounds..." Jericho said as Ban checked his body, "Hmm? What wounds?" Ban casually said as Jericho was mortified, she swore that she saw him filled with wounds earlier. "Ban, let's get going. We wouldn't want to let the captain wait." Y/N said turning around. "Yeah... Let me do this one second." Ban said and before Y/N can warn him that Jericho is a girl. He stripped her off that armor and took it. "You never change, do you?" Y/N just chuckled, very defeated, "Nah..." Ban said as he and Y/N walked along the hallway, trying to find the exit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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