Chapter 3: Sin of Envy

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Walking along the bumpy trail, Y/N switched her heels to her combat boots as she felt the bumpy trail of this forest. She is now wearing new clothing, a blue silk chiffon crop top with off the shoulder sleeves and black shorts with thigh belts. "It's almost three hours since we have entered the forest." Elizabeth said as Y/N walked up a big rock and saw nothing but withered trees, more rocks and white mist. "It's almost impossible that one of us is hiding here." Y/N said as she got down from the rock. "Sir Meliodas, is one of the Eight really hiding in this forest?" Elizabeth asked Meliodas. "Probably." He only said as Y/N heard ranting from Hawk about coming in the forest in the first place based on rumors. "Eek!" Y/N heard from Elizabeth as Y/N turned to Elizabeth's direction but she just saw Meliodas' hand on Elizabeth's buttocks. "Captain, quit touching Elizabeth! Give her a break!" Y/N said as Meliodas took his hand off. Elizabeth then felt like her underwear is missing but she doesn't know where it is. But then Y/N felt like someone was watching them, "Hey guys... Do you have the feeling that someone's watching us?" Y/N questioned the three companions of hers but there was no reply. That's when she turned around and saw not only one Hawk but a dozen of them. "Oh wow." Y/N can only say this as Elizabeth and Meliodas was astonished by the numbers of the pig. "Is this the monster of the forest?" Elizabeth asked as Meliodas said this, "This is certainly creepy." He replied as the bunch of Hawks suddenly ran towards their direction. "Meliodas! Get it straight, I'm the real one!" "No! I'm the real Hawk!" "No! I am!" All Hawks said as they all ran down the hill. Meliodas scratches his cheek before head butting all Hawks in one run. This caused them to fell down, defeated. "Hawk!" Elizabeth said as Y/N quickly ran down the hill, "Is everyone alright?" Y/N said as the Hawks went behind Elizabeth, hiding from the one who hit them. But because of that, the Hawks now transformed into Elizabeths. "Well... You don't see that everyday." Y/N commented as Hawk ran towards her side and saw the bunch of Elizabeths. All Elizabeths tried to fool Meliodas as they call out to him, but the man just saw this as heaven. "Oh~! Breasts Galore!" Meliodas said as Y/N just chopped his head, "Focus, Captain. There's gotta be a way to find out who's the real Elizabeth." She said as Meliodas got the idea.

He lifted Hawk up and jumped over a cliff like rock. Y/N followed as Meliodas explained to follow what he says to the Elizabeths. "Now, hold up your right hand and place your left on your cheek!" Meliodas commands as the Elizabeths do it. "Say my name in a bashful face!" Meliodas commands, "Sir Meliodas~!!" The Elizabeths said as Meliodas smirked, "Now squeeze your boobs." Meliodas said as the girls just did what they were told. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Y/N said, annoyed by the commands, "Hell yeah." Meliodas said as he earned another chop from Y/N, "Just find a way to tell Elizabeth apart from the fakes." Y/N said as Meliodas rubbed his head and gave the final command, "Okay, jump as high as you can!" He said as they all jumped... But... "I'm sorry! I can't do that!" One of the Elizabeths said as they all stare at the girl before they all got knocked out by Meliodas. "Elizabeth! Are you okay?" Y/N said as she ran up to Elizabeth. "Ack! They're 'Hide-n-seeks'! Prankster imps!" Hawk commented as Y/N helped Elizabeth to stand up. "Follow them!" Meliodas said as Y/N and Elizabeth started running but was stopped by Meliodas giving something to Elizabeth, "Ah! So you're the one who stole my underwear!" Elizabeth shouted as Y/N let her wear the underwear and ran up to her captain, "Out of all the things you could've stole... Her underwear, really?" Y/N asked the pervy captain of hers as he just shrugged his shoulders. The four then found the imps heading towards a girl, "Are they going to trick that sleeping little girl?!" Hawk said, "Attack a little girl like her?" Elizabeth said as Y/N examined the clothing that the said 'Little Girl' is wearing. "I know, right?!" Hawk added as the four got closer and closer, that's when Hawk and Elizabeth realized that the little girl they are talking about was actually a giant.

"Lady Diane! We accidentally allowed in Holy Knights trespassers!" One of the imps said as the giant, known as Diane opened her eyes, stood up and scooped Meliodas and Y/N into both of her hands. While Elizabeth and Hawk feared for their travel companion's lives, Y/N and Meliodas just were unfazed by Diane's menacing face. "Let go of Sir Meliodas and Lady Y/N!!" Elizabeth shouted as Diane squinted her eyes to see the two closer, "Meliodas? Y/N?" Diane asked herself as Meliodas and Y/N smiled, "Hi Diane! What's it been, 10 years?" Meliodas said, "Diane! Hey, bestie!" Y/N said. Diane moved closer then her eyes sparkled, "Captain!! Bestie!!" Diane said as she rubbed Meliodas' face and Y/N's on her cheeks. Elizabeth and Hawk were just dumbfounded. "Don't tell me that this big chick is one of the Eight Deadly sins. Diane, the Serpent Sin Of Envy?!" Hawk said as Diane looked down to see the pig. Her expression lightened up, "Wow, Captain! Y/N! You both shouldn't have! You both know that I love whole roasted pork!" Diane said as Hawk tried to protest but Diane was faster and she placed in on a rack and tried to cook him. "To be honest... You smell delicious, Hawk." Y/N said as Hawk just snapped, "Hey! Don't pretend that you can't see me down here!!" Hawk said as Y/N sighed, "Diane, he's not for food. He's a traveling buddy." She said as Diane turned to Y/N, "He's not?" Diane asked as Y/N shakes her head. Diane then put her down and Y/N put out the fire with her water pouch and untied Hawk. "Y/N!! You're really made from heaven!!" Hawk said as he cried, "I'm born underwater, not the sky." Y/N said as she turned to Diane who then noticed Elizabeth. "By the way, who's that girl?" Diane asked as Elizabeth looked up, "N-Nice to meet you, Lady Diane! I'm Elizabeth! I'm travelling along side Sir Meliodas and Lady Y/N!" Elizabeth said as Diane looked up and down on the girl, "So, just you, the captain and Y/N?" Diane asked as she turned to Meliodas, "Plus a pig." He said as Diane just smiled. 'I know that look.' Y/N thought as she pushed Hawk and Elizabeth away before using her magic to form an Ice Sphere, "Might wanna brace yourselves." Y/N said but when Elizabeth and Hawk tried to questioned it... Diane suddenly smashed Meliodas to the ground that he acted like a stone skipping on water then hit a rock that causes a hole, "You filthy womanizer!!" Diane said as the impact of her throw causes the Ice Sphere to tumble around. Diane then sat down and cried, "Just when I thought I got reunited with the one I love, he brought another woman in the picture!! You have scarred a woman's heart!!" Diane cried as Meliodas tried to stood up, "If you have excuses..." Diane mumbled as Meliodas opened his mouth. But was met with Diane's fists over and over again, "I DON'T WANNA HEAR YOUR EXCUSES!!" Diane said. Y/N sighed and decided to stop this, "Diane!! Just hear him out!! There's a complete explanation why Elizabeth is with us!! Can you hear him out?" Y/N said as Diane slowly stopped her fists. Y/N cancelled her Ice Sphere and ran towards Diane, "Well... If Y/N said so.." Diane said as Y/N grinned.

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