"i'm sorry for knocking her out."

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"hop in then." matt says smiling.

"right." i laugh as i get in the van.

"so what are ya gonna get?" i say turning to matt

"hmmm i'm not sure depends what kinda food they have." matt says

"yeah, good point." i say smiling turning to look out the window.

"we're here." matt smiles exiting the car to open the door for me.

"why thank you my gentleman." i say bowing.

"cmon." he says taking my hand.

"comin." i say following beside the exited boy.

i'm so lucky to have him, he is so special and kind. i just love him. i thought, and i didn't realize i was smiling.

"whacha smilin about?" matt laughs as we sit down at our table.

"oh ya know, just thinkin about you." i say smiling resting my chin in my hands.

"oh stop, your making me blush." he says smiling.

"hey guys i'm gi- OMG MATT STURNIOLO! IM A HUGE FAN!!!" the worker squeals.

"thanks." matt awkwardly laughs.

i sit there quietly, i don't know what else to do.

"has anyone told you that your actually so cute?!" she says in a flirty tone, touching his hand.

"yeah, i have." i say smiling sarcastically.

"was i talking to you? i don't think i was, so keep quiet." she says sassily.

"how bout you shut up before i slap you up." i say pointing to her.

"d- don't speak to me like that." she says rudely stuttering.

"hey uh-" matt says getting interrupted.

at this point im infuriated. im close to lunging at her, and you know what? i do. i punch her straight in the face.

"TESSA!" matt yells at me.

"are you okay?! matt says leaning down to her on the floor.

"wha- i- UGH!" i say running to the bathroom, tears streaming down my face. all eyes are on me.

matt runs toward me.

"LEAVE ME TF ALONE!" i yell to him as i slide down the wall sobbing my eyes out.

i haven't gotten yelled at by a man in a while, i liked to keep it that way. but it's not exactly matt's fault, i did just knock out a waitress in the middle of a restaurant. that must have been  pretty embarrassing.

"i'm so sorry for yelling at you, please come out." he says groaning.

i walk out with my makeup smeared all over my face.

"oh babe i'm so sorry." he says wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug.

babe? ohhh maaa godddd. i thought.

i stand there with my eyes widened "it's okay, i kinda deserved it." i say snapping back to reality laughing wiping my tears.

"no, you didn't. i feel terrible." he says holding my face.

"well don't, i embarrassed you." i say with a guilty tone.

"no you didn't, that was pretty impressive." he says stroking my cheek.

"haha yeah, i learned from my sist-" i say getting interrupted by his hand pulling my face into his, making our lips touch.

as we pull away we both blushed, HARD.

"his loss"🤞🏽 matt sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now