drives that change our lives

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don't  trip over something that's not worth it.
- Christopher Sturniolo

"so your going on a date with matt today?" brianna  says smiling.

"it's not a date, we're just hanging out." i say straightening my hair.

"you wish it was a date don't you." she says leaning on the door frame.

"i really do." i answer quickly putting down my straightener.

"yeaahhh, i knew it." she says taunting me.

"oh whatever, soon." i say hopefully.

"yeah your probably right she says walking to her room.

as i turn back to my mirror to continue straightening my hair, i look down at my phone. it's 1:34 and matt's coming at 3:00. i wonder what we're gonna do together. i finish straightening my hair and move on to my make up.

"need help pickin out an outfit?" brianna says walking into my room.

"yeah actually, i might. i mean i think we're just going for a drive but i still wanna look good." i say walking toward my closet.

if your going for a drive, i would say sweatpants." valerie says sitting down on my bed.

"smart, red, black, white, grey, pink, dark green or blue?" i say taking out all of my options.

that's a lot of sweats." she says laughing.

"i like to be comfy. so which ones?" i said looking at the time.

"hmmm, ooh! i just got an awesome idea. go red with your white long sleeve crop top and your red and white jordan retro 5's." she says happily.

"oh great idea." i say grabbing all the stuff.

"tell me when your ready." brianna says leaving the room closing the door.

i put all the stuff on and i look great. you know she's not that bad at outfit picking.

"all done." i say opening the door.

"that looks awesome on you. i feel like matt's gonna love it. she says sitting on my bed again.

"oh good, i'm so excited. i say flopping on my bed.

"haha i bet." she says laying down.

"okay i need to do my makeup quick." i say sitting down at my desk.

20 mins go by and i'm finished my makeup so we decide to take some pics for insta.

20 mins go by and i'm finished my makeup so we decide to take some pics for insta

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tessareagann- getting ready with my sissy @briannareagnn

liked by @mattsturniolo @chrissturni  @nicksturniolo and 1.3m others...


@mattsturniolo you guys are so pretty can't wait to see you tess
@tessareagann can't wait to see you either matty

@user1658 so pretty!!
@tessareagan tysm!

@user2364 New ship matt and tessa

@user8975 ew y'all are ugly

@user7448 omg matt and tessa know eachother???
@tessareagann we sure do

after posting some pics on insta it was 2:47 and matt texted me he was here.

"hey matt!" i say joyfully as i open the boys car door and get in the seat next to him.

"hey tess, where do you wanna go? i teach you to drive today if you want. i know you can't." he said as he hit the gas pedal.

"you really would? i would love that thank you." i say touching his arm

"how about you drive to mcdonald's and you can go through the drive thru" matt says as his eyes go from the road to me.

"sure sounds like fun!" i say getting out to switch sides.

"you got this, you have to put a little more pressure on the pedal tess. it's ok." matt says laughing but in a comforting tone.

"i'm doing it! i'll go to mcdonald's now." i say smiling with joy.

"okay just don't drive into the place." matt says laughing.

"oh whatever." i say nudging his shoulder.

"ok matt what do you want?" i say looking at him.

"i'll just get some fries thanks, oh and i'm paying." he says smiling.

"me too, and no your aren't paying i am." i say

"no no, me." he insists.

"fine, if you need too." i say giving in.

we get our food and drive around a bit and listen to music.

"hold up nick is calling." he says as i turn down the music.

"hey nick what's up?" the boy says turning his volume up.

"hey matt, are you still with tess? we really wanna meet her already." nick says over the phone.

"yeah im with her right now, wanna say hi?" he says passing the phone to me.

"hi nick! i say smiling at the sight of a boy that looks just like the one next to me.

"oh hey tess!!" chris says. snatching the phone from nick.

"hey!!! i was talking to her." you can hear nick say in the background.

"can we hang out soon?" nick says grabbing the phone back.

of course we can, i would love to." i say smiling.

"come over nowwww." chris whines flopping onto the couch behind them.

"i could if you guys aren't busy." i say looking at matt.

"we aren't, come over." nick says instantly.

"wanna?" matt says smiling.

"i would love to." i say resting my hand on his shoulder.

"YAYYYYY!" nick and chris say over the phone.

"ok we are on our way." matt says taking the phone back.

"ok see you soon!!" nick says hanging up the phone.

thanks for reading🤍
hope you enjoyed chapter 1 & 2
i will make chapter 3 as soon as possible.
sorry the chapters aren't super long 
bye loves😘

"his loss"🤞🏽 matt sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now