Chapter 12 - I like you too

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Mikes POV

"Mike! Will! Come check this out!" Lucas called from the entrance of the shop.

"Sinclair be quiet!" Steve shorted at him.

"Yeah nerd be quiet!" Erica yelled.

"Shut up mall rat." Lucas rolled his eyes.

"Fart face." Erica stuck her tongue out.

Me and Will got up from our seats and walked over to Lucas as he was blowing a raspberry at Erica.

"Oh now that was mature." I snicker and we all walk off as Lucas directs us on where to go.

"Okay so me and Dustin found something really cool that we wanted to show you both because you would love it!" Lucas yelled at us.

We walked out if the mall doors and me and Will were looking at him intruieged.

"What is it?" Will asked him, his eyes shining.

"Me and Dustin bought the newest game for the atari!!" Lucas exclaimed and me and Will shared a look of excitement.

"Holy shit! We should all go round to my place and play it." I yell.

"That was the plan, let's go!!" Lucas grinned.

Me, Will and Lucas all cycle to my house and we see Max, Dustin and El already sat in front of my house.

"Oh my god finally! I thought you all had died or something." Max rolled her eyes, walking up to us.

"Yeah yeah whatever lets just go inside." I scoff, walking up to the front door and unlocking it.

We all head down into the basement, and Lucas and Dustin start setting up the new game.

"I wanna go first!!" Lucas yells.

"I want a go!" Max yells aswell.

"You two can go, I'll go after you." Dustin smiles and moves out of the way.

"Oh my god it's the battle of the love birds." I laugh and Will giggles next to me.

"Whatever Mickey Mouse." Max rolls her eyes.

They start the game and they both become engrossed in the game.

I kiss the top of Will's head and he smiles at me and leans his head on my shoulders.

"I love you." Will whispers to me, barely inaudible.

I freeze.

Silence between the two of us.

"I.. like you too." I reply and he stiffens.

We sit in uncomfortable silence before we hear lucas groan and max starts cheering.

They both get up and they ask us who wants to go next, and I jump up, hurting Will's head in the process.

Dustin comes and sits down next to me and we both press play, and the game starts.

Wills POV

"I... like you too." Mike replies, sounding regretful.

I stiffen. He didn't say it back. Why didn't he say it back? Does he not love me?

Lucas groans and Max cheers which is our signal for someone else to start playing the game.

Mike jumps up, hurting my head and I wince and grab my head. I slump back on the sofa, and Max seems to notice my upset face as she starts walking over to me.

"Hey, whats up?" She whispers to me and I tear up.

"Nothing." I look down.

"Will, I know something is up." She tries to comfort me by putting her arm around my shoulder.

"I-I said I love you to Mike." I tell her and I feel her body tense.

"A-And what did he say back?" She stuttered. Max doesn't stutter.

Something is wrong.

"He said he 'likes' me too." I sigh, and try and hold back the tears.

"Maybe he isn't ready to say I love you yet?" Max suggests but it doesn't really help.

I just shrug and keep my eyes on the floor.

Mikes POV

I finish the game with Dustin and I win, obviously.

I cheer and he groans, getting up and asking el if she would like to play. I see her shake her head and smile apologetically.

I look over at Will and he has tears in his eyes and Max's arm is over his shoulder.

I see her look up at me and she death glares me, before hugging Will tighter and he digs his head further into into her neck.

I feel a pit of guilt building inside of my stomach. I do want to say 'I love you' to Will, it just feels like lying to him since our relationship was a dare.. I know that I like him now but it just feels wrong. I might tell him about the dare because I feel guitly about it.

I am gonna tell him. Tonight.

We are all going to have a sleep over and I will tell him. I really hope that he doesn't take it the wrong way..

I do like him, just before I tell him I love him I need to tell him about the dare.

"Hey, uh, why don't you all sleepover tonight?" I announce.

"Yeah sure!"


"Of course!"

"Cool, sure!"

Only one response we need, Will.

"What about you, Will?" I ask him, smiling at him.

He blushes a bit, smiling back and nodding.

"Cool! Lets all go home, grab our stuff and we will meet back here in half an hour?" Dustin suggests and everybody agrees.

Everybody apart from Will has left, and he turns to me looking apologetic but scared.

"I'm sorry." He whispers.

"About what?" I ask him, confused.

"About what I said earlier.." He looks down, picking up his bike.

"It's fine." I smile down at him and he grins back at me.

He gets up on his bike, and before he leaves I place a kiss on his forehead.

(30 Minutes Later Everyone Is
Back At Mikes House)

"Okay, lets do something." Max declares.

"I need to tell Will something first." I tell them and they all go white.

Lucas mouths 'dare' to me and I nod.

They all say okay, trying to sound happy but failed.

I lead him into my bedroom and he sits down.

"Mike, what's wrong?" Will looks up at me.


{Word Count: 1040}

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