Five Times he Tried to Confess- and the One Time he Did

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Hey! Welcome back :)

This fic's base is from my aad friend on Instagram @/_nate.oliver - who in my request collecting suggested the tags of this fic. I chose this one as I knew I wanted to create my next fic around those tags (no spoilers ;) ) and by my own ideas, I really wanted to next use the 5+1 structure!

Only inspiration for this fic is '#5' being inspired by the song 'Car's Outside' By James Arthur.

Enjoy x


#1 - Autumn, 1993


A bottle of Fanta fizzed in Dec's hand, the freshly-cut bottle cap in the other, flipping it between his fingers. Leant against the Quayside railing, eyes trailing the Tyne River waves - focal on their bounce, their flow, their freedom - Dec rose the plastic bottle to his lips, taking large gulps of the concentrated orange liquid; letting the fizz diffuse around his mouth and down his throat. At least he could get momentary distraction from his wishes to be like the blue life below him. Water always knows what direction to travel in.

"God, what are we going to do now?" He muttered, looking out to Tyne Bridge.

Observing all of this beside him, Ant cracked open the bag of cheese and onion crisps they'd also picked from the nearby store. "I dunno. It's weird - doing something for so long and then... you can't anymore."

Ant looked at the bag in his hand as if it were empty, not reaching for any of its contents. Coming back to Dec, he joined his longing gaze on the bridge. Ant knew he wasn't just looking at the bridge, though. He was looking to the distance - searching endless space, asking for some room to settle - wherever it may be next. Leaving, or rather- being kicked out of Byker was a huge slap in the face to the both of them. Not by anyone in particular - they had to do what they had to do, it made sense after all - but by life- what were they supposed to do now? There was one thing they could do, but- it was very in the air. Could they even do that? Could they really become Pop stars? Us - PJ and Duncan... Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly.

Eyes shifting to Dec, Ant took an unconscious deep breath as he looked over this side of his face. He knew he wanted to stay with Dec, he didn't want to go off on his own without him. He didn't want to lose him. Not ever.

"How about this," Ant spoke up. "No matter what happens, no matter what's next - we stick together. Always. You and me." Ant held out his hand to Dec. He turned to meet his eyes. Flickering to his hand a moment, then back to him, a smile formed on his face.

"I'd like that."

He reached out back to Ant's hand, taking it in his own. "It's a promise, yeah?"

Ant nodded. "Always."

They shook hands, then retracted. Ant held the crisp packet out towards Dec, allowing him first pick to which he happily accepted. After finishing the bag, crunching it in his hands and stuffing it in his jacket pocket, Ant looked to Dec who was gazing again out across the river, but this time, looking much more content - realising that in himself he felt less tension that he did just a few minutes ago. Irises traveling over Dec's light, flowing brown curtains, his skin, kissed by the midday sun that frames what he knows are those deep green eyes he loves to explore that animate his overall flawless structure- a black leather jacket that fits him like a glove, emphasising his natural build; all the way to his hands, beautiful and soft, but nowhere weak in any way; he took in Dec, his- Dec, his best mate.

Ant sighed.

"What are youse thinkin' about?" Dec said, turning to Ant as he spoke.

Ant met his eyes. Everything.

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