Kuro (3)

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Everything goes according to plan, good.


The three cousins left the cave, amazed by their new habilities, they started jumping all around the woods, and practicing combos and fighting techniques.

Brunix threw a spiral of lightning to a bush, Berni jumped and aimed at the bush, throwing a giant fireball to the lightning, causing the bush to set on fire. Arew then appeared and caused the fire to spread with his wind powers, causing all the plants around to burn while being electrified.

They couldn't believe what they had achieved, they sat down near a tree. Berni started talking.

- So, we have all these amazing artifacts, and we have already figured out how to basically use them. Of course, Im sure they have plenty of stuff hidden, but I think this should be enough for the guards to let us enter the village again!

Brunix widened her eyes.

- Wait, are you really willing to return to the village?! I mean, it is in a terrible state, and we have no family there either, not anymore... Remember all the horrible things that happened to us there, and the nasty guards... Ugh.

Arew didn't say anything while Brunix and Berni were discussing, he was deep in thought. When suddently, he had a blowing idea, and cut off their conversation.

- If you really despite the village that much, well, we have the power to destroy it, but, I was thinking of something better...  

-Huh? What is it? And... Why would we destroy the village, anyways?! Brunix realised that Arew's helmet was shining bright, with a... red and powerful aura.

- I was thinking that maybe, we can rule it with our powers!! A strike of wind moved his hair. We can finally be noticed, and powerful!

- B-But, guys remember that the village is still the place in wich we were born, and we lived there for our whole lives! We can't just go there and burn it to the ground! It is... Too brutal! and, ruling it wouldn't do any good either!

Berni seemed worried about their friend's macabre thoughts.

- Oh! Burning the village with your fire powers! Great Idea, Berni. We can use it as a thread, in case they doubt our power, right, Brunix?

Arew was inspired. He stared at Brunix, with a crazy look on his face, waiting for a response.

-H-hey, don't drag me into this idea! I didn't  say I wanted to follow any of your crazy plans! Arew, what in the world..! She moved away from him.

Brunix looked worried, and gazed at Berni, with fear on her face. There was a... strange feeling in the air, she could smell it, like a cold and desperate vibe.

Arew stood up, and touched his helmet's spike, shining even brighter. Berni and Brunix felt a rumble on their stomach, but, it was not because of hunger, it felt like a knife craving through their bodies.

- Arew, what, what are you even doing? You are scaring the shit out of us!

Arew's eyes recovered their natural shine, and he just looked as if he had awakened from a bad dream. That strange feeling was gone.

- Oh! uhm, sorry guys, hehe, I was just consumed by my worries, I didn't mean any of that.

Brunix and Berni gave a strange look to Arew, they really were confused by that horrible feeling they had seconds ago. They all thought that it would be better to return to the village, and explain them what they've had found. 


As soon as they reached the village, they realised that the doors were closed, but that wasn't going to stop them from entering, Arew used their powers to create a huge explosion that blew the doors away.


The whole village had noticed, and everyone came to see what was going on.

The guards appeared in no time, carrying spears.

- Who's that!!

The guard from the begining could imagine what was going on, but, he didn't say a word, they reached the village gates and saw the three cousins, standing there menacingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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