Fake Tale (1)

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Finally found a comfortable spot, today, the sky seems to be clear.

Good for me.


Brunix was heading out of her house, it seemed to be a special day, because she was wearing special clothing, she had put on the finest clothes they had. By the looks on her face, you could tell that she was really excited and... wait.

She turned her feet on the opposite direction and ran back inside of her house. Seconds later, Berni Boku and Arew appeared, and knocked hard on Brunix's door, they were bouncing from excitement and kept mumbling things. But, you could tell that excitement wasn't the only thing that was filling their souls, they were shaking. Brunix slammed the door open, but now, she was wearing a huge leather bag, and a wooden shovel.

-Are you ready for the greatest adventure ever??!! I have already packed the most important stuff, everything seems to be in order and the weather is at our favor!!

-heheh, sure, lets just go alreadyy!!!  Yelled Berni. moving their red flamming hair in all directions.2

They started to laugh just as if they couldn't hold it in anymore, they were shaking while sharing the most exciting moment of their lifes. They started running to the village's exit, but a man stopped them. And got Brunix's bag off their shoulders.

-Where do you think you're going, brats? Don't tell me that you really fell for that crazy man's story. We all know that it is dangerous and that there isn't any mythic stuff hidden on that hill! No one has ever left the village, we adults are working very hard to mantain everyone here, we hardly have enough food for everyone, no one is allowed to leave their work place. And the only way you, Brunix, a 13 year old brat, Berni another 12 year old brat, and Arew another regular 11 year old brat, have to thank us, is by leaving the village in search of some silly treasures and giving us more trouble?! You don't even deserve a place here!

The man punched Brunix on the face, threw her bag on the ground, and told them to go back home while staring menacingly at Arew and Berni, Arew touched his Hazel spiky hair because of how frightened he was. Berni and Arew were starting to walk back home as the man had finished yelling. but Brunix had other stuff going on her head.

Brunix grabbed her shovel, and before the man had the time to turn arround, Brunix slammed the shovel on his head.

-I don't care about what you stupid people think!! We literally have nothing to do, and even if that treasure is fake, we'd rather give it a try while having some fun rather than just starve the whole day until you guys are done with your adult shit and give food to the village's people, and don't even try to make us believe that you work the whole day, we already know that you, village keepers, keep the major part of the village's supplies to yourselves!

The man looked furious, he grabbed Brunix's ligh blue hair, and crushed her head into the ground. Causing her face to get all filthy because of the mud. Berni and Arew were shocked, and all the excitement vanished from their faces, they had already given up on their lives. Brunix kept a straight face and managed to get the man's hand off her hair and kick him in his stomach. The man stepped away, and showed a little more respect to Brunix after that.

-Fine! If you brats want to go on a silly adventure, go ahead! But don't expect the doors to be open when you come back!

He pushed the cousins out of the village and threw Brunix's bag on her face, on purpose. And slammed the doors shut.  

Arew's expression was lifeless, they had been kicked out of the village! Berni was amazed by Brunix's fighting skills, but he was also shocked about the fact that they couldn't get in the village anymore.

-B-Brunix, what shall we do now? Asked Arew, while getting the dirt off his shirt and standing back up.

-Well, we have some stuff to look for, don't we? And also, I made sure this time that the treasure really exists. Answered Brunix while waving her shovel and placing it back inside of her bag.


-C'mon Berni, stand up already! Arew and I are ready to go! Said Brunix while dragging Arew into the nearest hill. That story told us that the teasure is lying somewhere over there!

-Wait for me! Shouted Berni while catching up to them. 

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