What could go wrong? (2)

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I managed to follow, the sky today is a bit... 

Lets just say that the weather isn't good.


Arew was trying to remember the exact location of that treasure, but he wasn't able to recognise any place or anything at all. A day had already passed, they had spent the night in some improvised sleeping bags. They were  starving, they hadn't eaten anything since two days, they had to find something to eat. They were already thinking about hunting an animal and making a campfire, but they weren't sure about it, because no one wanted to do such thing.

-My stomach is killing mee! We need to eat something right now or I'll faint!!

-ok, just... wait a bit more, Arew... See... I am still thinking about eating some fruits that I saw on a tree not too long ago. By the way, where's Berni?

-Brunix! Arew! I found something that might work for now!

Berni brought a strange looking apple, but it seemed edible, and maybe even tasty. 

-Lets just not eat the whole "apple" right now, because we dont know what it is, I think that they might be edible, but, just in case, you should try taking one bite if you really are that hungry. Suggested Brunix.

Berni bit into the apple, hoping that nothing venomous was about to kill him.

-Does it taste weird? Asked Arew, worried.

Berni's expresion changed.

-Not at all! I think that it is delicious! Yelled Berni, with his eyes wide open. His flamming hair recovered its spark.

-Oh, really?! I was expecting it to taste awful, I was a little scared, even your hair recovered its spark! I think it is safe to eat those "apples"! Brunix Laughed.

They went back to the tree and started eating those "apples". They even stored some on Brunix's bag in case they needed them in the future.

They were fully recovered now, and started looking for that treasure, Arew started searching everywhere, hoping to recognise something from the story. Brunix followed Arew, looking for any signs. They reached the top of the hill, and, finally, they noticed that something strange was laying on the floor. They aproached it carefully, Arew was delighted by what he saw.

It was a giant entrance to some sort of cave.  The story mentioned a cave,  and they all knew for sure that the treasure was there.  Luckily, Brunix was carrying three flashlights on her bag,  and she inmediately handed two at Berni and Arew. 


As soon as they entered the cave, their flashlights turned on without them having to do anything, they supposed that it was because of the treasure's magic, and they got even more excited. They Iluminated every single corner, they advanced through the cave and found out that there were a lot of bats, Berni was a little frightened, but Brunix was handing the shovel in case a bat approached them, Arew was standing behind her. 

They started seeing a light that wasn't coming from their flashlights, and it had a different tone, it was like a blue light. Arew's beating got faster, he started walking, and ended up running to that light, Berni and Brunix tried to stop him, but Arew was too excited, he probably was thinking that they could live like royalty with that fortune.

Brunix approached Arew, there was some strange light coming out from the floor, they didn't even hesitate, and started digging in that spot. Berni appeared later, and saw the treasure.

There were three artifacts on that hole, a really small crown (A carrot could fit into that crown), black glasses, and a helmet. They just looked like normal accesories, but they irradiated the cousins with a really strong light.

-What the hell are these things?! Asked Arew.

-I think this is the treasure that we're looking for! Answered Brunix.

Berni just stared at the glasses.

-Can I put on those glasses?

-Uhm... Sure, why not? Brunix sounded a little confused. 

Berni grabbed the glasses. Once he was wearing them, Berni's hair started floating on the hair, it even looked like his hair was being filled with fire, and Berni's eyes turned red like his hair.  -Oh my god! I dont know what these things are, but I feel super powerfull!

-I really like that helmet, said Arew, It has a yellow spike on its superior part, can I try it? 

-Yeah sure!

Arew was wearing the helmet in less than a second. Their eyes turned yellow, like the hemet's spike, and their hazel hair got even more spiky, and started shaking, just like if they had an intense wind shaking it. -These artifacts are really not normal! We finally found a real treasure! 

-Well, guess there's only me and the crown left. 

Brunix placed the crown on the left side of her head, and suddently, a mix of a wolf and a rabbit ear went through the crown, and another ear appeared on the other side of her head, her hair started waving, and some lighting was going through their light blue hair.

Her eyes turned blue, Brunix was surrounded by lightning. - Wow!! We can for sure beat those village keeper's ass with these artifacts! I'm sure these things have some secrets that we must find out!

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